Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Two Descriptions paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Two Descriptions paper - Essay Example I realize I was at a dog park, but generally dog owners are responsible for cleaning up their dog’s waste. After looking at my shoes I headed towards a park bench to clean them off. As I was wiping off my shoes I heard a sudden loud shriek. I looked up and saw that my dog was being attacked by two other larger dogs. Finally I ran over to the area and took my dog home. As I walked into the dog park I was not sure what to expect. After entering the park my dog ran to the fence and began smelling her way around the park. As I was standing there watching her many other dogs ran up to me. All the dogs – large and small – were in the same park and it was an interesting sight. One small dog ran up to me and was trying to play. Other larger dogs came up and were barking and trying to jump on me. I wish I had brought dog treats for everyone. Soon later I walked to find a place to sit. I was excited about the park and did not look at the ground, causing me to accidently step into some dog excrement. I had to remind myself to be careful about these hazards at a dog park. I eventually found a bench and heard barking in the background. My dog seemed to have gotten into a scuffle with two other dogs. Finally, I decided to walk over and take my dog home – it had been a busy day. There were a number of ways that I created different impressions between the two stories. From an overarching perspective I wanted to ensure that the events that occurred in the two stories were entirely the same. By ensuring that the events were the same, I was able to explore the different ways that people interpret their surrounding environment. This is witnessed as both individuals encounter dogs that run up to them. The first individual describes these dogs in a threatening way, while the second person describes the dogs in a warm and engaging way. These divergent impressions of the same situation brings the reader’s attention to the way

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