Friday, July 26, 2019

Coursework on Juvenile Justice Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On Juvenile Justice - Coursework Example obeisance to all laws, including traffic laws, attendance to probation officers as mandated by the court, attendance to all school sessions and abeyance to school regulations, disassociation with codefendants or other probationers, prohibition on the possession of any weapon, among others. Failure to follow these standard laws can lead to the probationer’s arrest and return to court. Standard supervision includes meetings with probation officers or community workers for the implementation of a case plan for first time, low-risk juvenile offenders. Over the years, however, intensive supervision programs including home confinement and electronic monitoring are being used for offenders who have high levels of recidivism. Different courts offer various probation programs. Probation officers different abilities and willingness to work with probationers. Moreover, communities offer different services for rehabilitation of offenders. One community may focus on educational programs wh ile others utilize job training and placement as a way to prevent re-offense. 2. Discuss the six basic roles of a probation officer. What do you think consumes most of their time? If you were a juvenile probation officer, what do you think would be your favorite role? Explain your position. Probation officers (PO) perform six basic functions: (1) They act as social investigators in the hope of providing juvenile judges with information on whether the juvenile will be given conditional discharge, probation or passed on to the juvenile justice system; (2) POs act as counselors or rehabilitators in that they ensure that the juvenile under probation will follow court orders; (3) POs are protectors of the society or the community in that they are mandated to arrest juvenile probationers in case they are violating the conditions set by the court, or are endangering the security of the society or community; (4) POs write and administer case plans based on the juvenile’s social histo ry. Through these case plans, POs can ensure that offenders will no longer return to court; (5) POs act as collector of court-ordered monies or other sanctions. If the juvenile is sanctioned for community service, POs ensure that this duty is performed by the probationer. (6) POs act as brokers for community resources in that they organize resources so that it serves the needs of both the probationer and the community. Through this function, POs are able to ensure that juvenile offenders are able to seamlessly integrate with the society. My favorite role is that of an investigator because of my natural curiosity. Through this function, I can learn more about a person, and be able to determine what is causing that person to exhibit a specific behavior. 3. Define the different types of restitution and discuss the operation and effectiveness of this sanction.  Explain the findings on research into restitution effectiveness.   At present, there are three kinds of restitutions utiliz ed by the juvenile justice system: community service restitution, victim service restitution and monetary. In monetary restitution, offenders are ordered by the court to earn income so that they can pay back the victim. The rationale behind this is that the court wants the offender to realize the economic effects of his or her act and be responsible for his/her behavior. Victim service restitution requires the offender to pay the victim back in kind. By doing this, the

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