Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Teen Sex

Teen Sex Many teenagers are engaging in having sex. A lot of them are doing it just to fit in and some are doing it because of peer pressure. Yes I believe abstinence programs discourage teen sex but a lot of teenagers need an abstinence education as well as a comprehensive sex education. Although some say that Abstinence and comprehensive sex education programs in schools are a bad idea, I think otherwise because some students need help learning about birth control and if they're ready for sex.The government needs to fund teen sex programs that guide teenagers through which sexual direction they want to go in and things they want to learn about such as Comprehensive education, Abstinence education and Pregnancy. Comprehensive sex education has been proven more effective. Comprehensive sex is well needed in schools. It does not encourage teens to start having sexual intercourse. This program is what young people need; an honest effective sex education.Comprehensive sex education prog rams help youth delay from sexual activity, it reduces the frequency of sexual activity, and it reduces the number of sexual partners and increases condom and contraceptive use. Without a Comprehensive sex education program in schools, teen sex increases, more teens will experience negative sexual health outcomes and pregnancy. â€Å"Medically accurate, age appropriate, comprehensive sex education in schools, education that include information about both, abstinence and contraception, both from a values and public-health perspective. † (Rep. Lee and Sen.Frank Lautenberg, 2005, P. 776) Abstinence programs can help teens delay sex. Sex education classes that focus on encouraging children to remain abstinent can persuade a significant proportion to delay sexual activity. I think that abstinence education convinces teens to postpone sex; which is a good thing because they are too young. Without an abstinence program, more students would be engaging in sex. â€Å"Federal governme nt only funds abstinence education, even though at least 75 percent of parents say they want teens to be taught about both abstinence and contraception. (As cited in CQ researcher, 2005, pg. 771) Pregnancy is often the result of teen sex. With abstinence and comprehensive sex education programs, pregnancy rates will decrease. Teen mothers are less likely to finish high school and more likely to end up on welfare, and their children are at greater risk for abuse and neglect. The majority of teen mothers raise their children alone without the help of the child’s father, which makes it much harder. â€Å"Twenty percent of teen mothers have a second child before the age of 20. † (Sarah Brown, 2005, pg. 763) It’s very hard for teen mothers to go to schoolGovernments need to fund teen sex programs that guide teen through sexual activity. Teenagers are having sex to fit in and some are being forced to have sex because of peer pressure. Schools are not responsible for t eens engaging in having sex but it helps a lot for teenagers to go to school and learn about it through Abstinence, Pregnancy and Comprehensive programs. With the students being taught about things it can decrease the pregnancy rate and reduce teen sexual activity. Both teens and the government will benefit from them; teens postpone sex and the government wouldn’t have to fund as many teen moms on welfare.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Netflix Case Analysis

Case Analysis: Netflix. com, Inc k JAVK Consulting Company 6/14/2011 600 Civic Center Dr Detroit, MI 48226 Dear Mr. Hastings, Our company JAVK Consulting has examined the Netflix customer model and looked into the company’s five year financial future. We have analyzed Netflix with a scope of entering a rocky internet based company marketplace and seeing success in the future. The company currently is pumping lots of money into marketing strategy in order to growth their customer base and is in turn facing financial troubles while they approach their initial public offering stage.As you read through our analysis of Netflix you will find our company’s thought on your financial performance so far, look into a subscriber model and correlated cash flows, and develop an idea of financing solutions to manage growth. While more users are using mainstream technology such as DVD players, video game consoles, laptops, combined along with high-speed internet the creates a growing e nvironment for a consumers wanting entertainment at their joysticks and fingertips. Our aspiration is for Netflix to have a successful run at an IPO if chosen and manage their customer growth along the way for long term success.Thank you for the chance to help your business thrive. We hope you agree with our financial outlook of Netflix and make a decision that catapults your company into financial success. Sincerely, JAVK Consulting Group Problem Statement: Based on Initial discussion and evaluation, we understand that the launch of Initial Public Offering (IPO) is critical and needs to be evaluated if the company should go forward with the offering, as a result of number of internet companies have been forced to withdraw their IPOs due to market down turn.Secondly the need to show positive cash flows within a twelve month horizon in order to have a successful offering. Third to suggest modifications that would improve the company’s projected cash flows given the fact that t he revenues were doubling every six months. One of the most critical points of success for Netflix depended on the company’s ability to manage and sustain their triple-digit growth into the foreseeable future. Analysis: Technology is continuously facing rapid change which gives a company such as Netflix an exclusive opportunity for a first mover advantage in a new market.The Netflix product is one that can ship easily and cost effectively or be received directly to internet connections worldwide. The definite increase in internet and console users is creating a consumer demand for entertainment that Netflix can fill. This versatile product paired with emerging technology has led to rapid growth for the Netflix Company. The basic elements of Netflix core products give them an advantage over brick and mortar stores such as Blockbuster as Netflix offers a more personalized movie experience, the same new titles, all along with no time restrictions or late fees.As part of this lon g term objective Netflix’s goal is to grow its customer base and retain users of free trial software. The goal of the free software is to have a positive acquisition rate of free trial users after a month of free service and retain them into the long run future. After retention, the goal of Netflix is to withhold those customers into the long term future by tailoring the Netflix product in a unique way to each customer. Netflix does this by adapting their website interactions for each customer based off of their viewing history and preferences using a unique personal movie finder service.By offering this personalized service video users can find movies they would enjoy and possibly use the Netflix mail service. Theoretically speaking, Netflix performance to date has been positive (although the company has been incurring loss year over year) considering the high operating expenses for the initial years of a new business is common as most businesses make it or break it in their first 2-3 years which seems to be a normal trend considering this industry where the fixed assets increase year over year and the revenue generated on the fixed assets could drastically diminish based on user preference.Netflix has an extremely high growth rate for their revenues as they are doubling every six months. While revenues are doubling in the last year sales and marketing expenses have gone up more than three times. The main objective now is to make sure that after an initial public offering Netflix will continue to create positive cash flows. We believe that Netflix has chosen the subscriber model to forecast its cash flow requirements because it is the most precise representation of how the company receives cash on a monthly basis.Netflix at its core is in the movie rental industry, the only cash inflows received are from subscribers that pay monthly subscription fees. The basic elements of the subscriber model are monthly subscribers, subscription fees, and movie usage including movies rented and shipping costs. Based on these elements costs and revenues can be narrowed down and correlated to individual aspects of the model and accurate cash flows can be formed in order to predict future profitability. The subscriber model is fitting for Netflix for these reasons as subscribers are essentially their only cash inflows.Exhibit A, illustrates the subscribe model premise. In our analysis, we used the subscriber model to forecast future cash flows. This allows us to see potential revenues month to month based on the initial subscriber rate and percentage, while incorporating the cost to your company for each additional subscriber. We have forecasted potential cash flows as well as revenues for the next five years (Exhibit D & Exhibit E). This gives us an idea of where we are going and how we will get there. Currently it costs your company $106. 58(Exhibit B) for the first month of a free trial customer.This cost is offset by paid subscribers and can b e considered a marketing expense. Every month each paid subscriber earns you on average $5. 82 (Exhibit B) in revenue. Netflix should continue trying to obtain new subscribers since there is a positive cash inflow for those customers after a weighted average is formed. Based on the weighted average of customers who stay with Netflix and those that leave there is a positive NPV based on the retention percentages. There are three basic types of customers for Netflix, one month trail exiting users, six month exiting users, and over five year users.Based off the retention ratios after one month 70% of customers from the free trail stay with Netflix, after that first month 42% of the original 70% stay for six months and 28% stay longer than six months (we have assumed it to be of at least 5 years and above). If a customer leaves after one month of free service your company would suffer a loss of $19. 26 (Exhibit B) given the fact that the initial purchase ($98. 28) of DVD(s) can be reuse d ($88. 45) for the other new subscribers by purchasing an incremental of 2 DVD(s) which move to the back catalogue as they become obsolete.Netflix can convert and retain those customers for six months they generate $1. 21(Exhibit B) of cash inflow for each customer. If the cash flow from acquiring new subscribers was negative we would advise your company to take an alternate route for generating cash flows. If your company continues with current business, retaining 28% of initial customers at least 5 years and above, the net present value of your corporation will be $65,851,642 (Exhibit E) based on certain assumption listed in Exhibit E.This NPV of your company after 5 years is based on the weighted average NPV percentages that we determined for each of the three customer categories; one month subscribers, six month subscribers and five year subscribers. Over sixty five million as a NPV is a glamorous number to project but it requires your company to retain the current customer ret ention ratios over the three timeline increments (Exhibit C). If these retention ratios are held strong then we have determined the weighted NPV per subscriber would be $34. 34 (Exhibit C).While this number is far from over sixty five million dollars over the five year time retention span it grows to be exactly that. Conclusion/Recommendation: Based on our analysis we have come up with some solutions to improve your overall cash flows and strengthen the financial health of your company. These solutions are not far from the product that Netflix currently offers so making the changes would not place a large burden on costs. Also, the changes will offer a more customer focused and interactive experience with the Netflix product.Initially your first goal should be to increase the retention rate of potential new trial subscribers. Given that internet users are increasing year over year, we recommend that your company consider online video streaming (video on demand) which will be an out of the box approach. Using the online media streaming can help your company to cut down on sales and advertising cost. Secondly with introduction of online streaming reduce the membership fees to 75% of the current rates which will help you increase customer retention rates.Third, promote revenue sharing which can help increase you marketing base while cutting your expenses. Forth is to promote referral bonus (can vary based on number of referrals provided) which can help you boost your sales through you existing customer base and in return reduce your operational expenses. Lastly to reduce the trial period to 2 weeks (if done by Mail only) and this will result in increase of NPV of Netflix by $25. 8 million (increase of NPV/subscriber from 34. 34 to 44. 10). Netflix is becoming even more personalized and may cut undesired costs such as unnecessary shipping costs.By doing this you will increase your profitability and decrease your cost to acquire a new customer. Another recommendati on is to continue to encourage all online subscribers to rate films. This will encourage other subscribers to rent more movies and help with the automatic marquee queue available to online subscribers. By encouraging this interactive use with the Netflix website the company will have an idea of which DVD’s to spend money purchasing and will be able to keep an updated DVD library that meets the growing demand of new subscribers.To conclude, your company should delay the IPO until the economic condition improves and use this additional time to evaluate some of our recommendation to attain positive cash flows which can play in your favor. Appendix: Exhibit A – Subscriber Model Premises| Cost/New DVD| $ 17. 55 | Shipping Cost/DVD| $ 1. 00 | Number of DVD Initial Marque Queue| $ 4. 00 | Number of DVD Shipped /Month| $ 4. 30 | New DVD 1st Month| $ 5. 60 | Number of new DVD(s) subsequent Month| $ 0. 56 | Revenue /Month| $ 19. 95 | Free trial| $ 1. 00 |Discount Rate| 20%| Exhi bit B -New Subscriber Model| | Free| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid| Paid|   | M1| M2| M3| M4| M5| M6| M7| M8| M9| M10| M11| M12| Revenue|   | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | $19. 95 | Cost of DVD/ initial (one time)| $ (98. 28)|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Cost of DVD/ releases|   | $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| $ (9. 83)| Shipping initial DVD's| $ (4. 0)|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Shipping new DVD's| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| $ (4. 30)| Net Revenue| $(106. 58)| $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 | Exhibit C – Calculation of Net Present Value per new subs criber|   | *assumes that if a subscriber stays with Netflix longer than 6 months will stay 5 years| Subscribers | 1 Mon| 6 Mon| 5 Yrs. *|   | Probability| 30%| 42%| 28%|   |Weighted NPV per Subscriber| ($19. 26)| $1. 21 | $141. 46 | $34. 34 |   |   |   |   |   | C1| $ (106. 58)| $ (106. 58)| $ (106. 58)|   | C2| $ 88. 45 | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C3|   | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C4|   | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C5|   | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C6|   | $ 5. 82 | $ 5. 82 |   | C7|   | $ 88. 45 | $ 5. 82 |   | †¦|   |   | †¦ |   | C8|   |   | $ 5. 82 |   | C60|   |   | $ 5. 82 |   | C61|   |   | $ 88. 45 |   | CF By Month|   |   |   |   |Exhibit D – Projection of new subscribers 2000| |   | Revenue Growth rate 1998 –> 1999 | 274%| Existing subscribers| 110,724 | New Subscribers paid status| 303,231 | 30% free| 90,969 | New Subscribers 2000| 394,201 | Exhibit E – Value of Netflix|    | 2000| 2001| 2002| 2003| 2004|   | | | | | |   | NPV per Subscriber| $34. 34 |   |   |   |   |   | Discounted Rate| 20%|   |   |   |   |   | Growth rate per new subscriber|   |   | 49%| 49%| 49%| 49%|   | | | | | |   | Existing subscribers| | 110,724 |   |   |   |   | Value of existing subscribers| | 3,802,273 |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |New Subscribers| | 394,201 | 587,359 | 875,165 | 1,303,995 | 1,942,953 | Value of new subscribers| | 13,536,829 | 20,169,875 | 30,053,114 | 44,779,140 | 66,720,918 |   | |   |   |   |   |   | Total subscriber value|   | 17,339,102 | 20,169,875 | 30,053,114 | 44,779,140 | 66,720,918 |   | |   |   |   |   |   | Product development| | 7,413,000 | 7,413,000 | 7,413,000 | 7,413,000 | 7,413,000 | General and administrative| | 2,085,000 | 2,085,000 | 2,085,000 | 2,085,000 | 2,085,000 | Total Cost|   | 9,498,000 | 9,498,000 | 9,498,000 | 9,498,000 | 9,498 ,000 |   | |   |   |   |   |   |Total Subscriber value minus cost|   | 7,841,102 | 10,671,875 | 20,555,114 | 35,281,140 | 57,222,918 | NPV of Netflix|   | 65,851,642 |   |   |   |   | Assumptions:| Existing customers pay 19. 95 per month (same as new customers)| Additional cost projected at the same level as 1999NPV of Netflix only includes cash inflow and outflows and have not considered any liquidation value|

Zara: It for Fast Fashion

Zara: IT for Fast Fashion Identification of issues: The case study, Zara: IT for Fast Fashion, focuses on the retail giant, Inditex, and how its largest retail chain, Zara, has been so successful with their business model of high fashion, product variation, low cost, speed, and flexibility. Several issues are identified in this case study. One glaring issue that is apparent relates to the fact that a long term Information Technology (IT) strategy does not exist. There is no formal system in place to plan and predict for their future needs, including operational and capital expenses.Another issue consists of the retailer not having a centralized distribution system in place, their stores do not share inventory counts, and the managers do not have a system in place to look up their inventory balances in their stores or other stores, (they accomplish this by canvassing the stores). Another significant current issue relates to the fact that their current IT system is unsustainable, as th e equipment is obsolete and unsupported by Microsoft. Their IT system is not wireless, their screens are small, they are using styluses, which can be cumbersome, and older technology such as floppy disks and modems.The last issue involves a lack of shared knowledge of the current system in place; one person is relied upon and depended for knowledge of the systems functionality. Being so dependant upon one person places the whole system at risk. Importance of the key issue: The key issue in this case study involves whether or not Inditex should upgrade the retailer’s information technology infrastructure and capabilities or whether they should continue using their current system. The problem that Zara faces now is that their current system, P-O-S (Point of Sales terminals), runs on DOS, which Microsoft does not support any longer.Any hardware change in the POS terminal would not be compatible with their current POS software. Without an upgrade, they risk that their current sup plier could no longer support them. Investing in IT infrastructure is inevitable as Microsoft DOS is obsolete technology and there is no guarantee that their POS vendor will continue supplying the same terminal without changes to their hardware. Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) are currently used in all Zara stores, POS terminals are not connected with Zara’s headquarters or with other stores. here is no system in place to link employees’ daily sales, causing employees to copy this information onto a floppy disk. Zara’s success and main business strategy is dependent upon their ability to respond very quickly to the demands of their customers. By upgrading their current system, they could add functionality and capabilities that could resolve other issues they face, such as sharing inventory, and being proficient at matching supply and demand. They can comfortably meet their mission by keeping current with fashion.Without the infrastructure to support i t, it would be impossible to accomplish, as they would not have the security controls, and back up systems in place. This issue is more important than any other issue to resolve, as Zara’s mission, success and future depends on technology reliability and accuracy. If this issue is not resolved, it is impossible to address all of the other issues identified above. Key Stakeholders: There are numerous stakeholders who are affected by the key issue of whether or not they should upgrade their IT Zara’s customers system want the latest fashions in stock, in their size and color, in a timey fashion.By having an upgraded, efficient IT system, Zara’s customers could experience better inventory controls to meet their needs. This in turn develops customer loyalty which equates to a higher volume of sales. Another key stakeholder is Zara’s employees. Employees want job security. A well defined, upgraded, efficient IT system can assist in sales volume, which turns in to profit for the company. Employees also want to reduce their workload and redundancy. Their current system does not take advantage of functional automation and communication, which can increase their work load.Another stakeholder, Zara’s IT vendor, certainly wants to maintain their business relationship with them, but may find it difficult to continue conducting business with a company who uses such an obsolete, unsupported, vulnerable system. Zara’s managers are also important stakeholders in the decision to upgrade. Their managers want the current POS system to do more, such as look up inventory balances in stores. This basic functionality is lacking. They want to be in a position to negotiate pricing and keep up with their competitors.Zara’s shareholders are interested in maintaining the financial success that Zara has experienced. They want a system in place to assure that their current fashion demands are met, that a system is in place to account for and share merchandise. They want to be able to invest wisely and innovate themselves to stay fresh in the apparel industry. Another stakeholder, Zara’s suppliers wants a functional IT system to provide better lead time for orders and materials, and to be able to communicate in a timely, seamless manner. Causes of the issue:There are many causes that contribute to the situation that Zara faces at the moment. Having a mission and vision without having a strategic plan to get there is a contributing factor. Having a decentralized decision making system in place can also be a root cause. Having equipment that is obsolescence is a result of the above factors. Not having staff and systems in place to effectively plan for the future, leads to antiquated equipment and manual, cumbersome, inaccurate, processes. Other factors responsible for the lack of strategic IT planning at Zara include their current business model and leadership complacency.Alternative solutions: There are three alter native solutions. The first would be to purchase the current POS terminals from their vendors so they can support their needs in case the vendor changes their machine to new technology, and continue functioning the way they have been. The second solution involves hire a consulting firm to review their situation and conduct a strategic financial analysis of their options. The third solution to the key issue identified is to proceed in upgrading their current IT system and add functional capabilities to meet the needs of their organization.Recommendations: I recommend the third solution, that Zara purchase and implementing a new POS networking system. This recommendation would create a robust system that is more responsive to Inditex’s supply chain network. It also removes the risk of the system becoming obsolete and non- compatible with the vendor’s machine upgrade. It decreases their exposure for system failures, helps to maintain and improve efficiency of decentraliza tion because information flow can be improved between stores, distribution chains and vendors.The most important aspect of Zara’s approach to information technology includes the ability to meet the needs of their customers, whether that involves accuracy, timeliness, marketing, demand, or communication. Their original business model involved linking demand to manufacturing, and linking manufacturing to distribution, this involves a reliable, compatible IT system. Upgrading the POS applications to include additional functionality, such as networking capability, and the ability to share inventory with other stores, only makes their corporation more productive and efficient.The use of larger screens, and keyboards, vs. smaller screens and styluses would also be beneficial to the employees and customers. There are however pitfalls to this recommendation. Above and beyond the obvious capital expense of the equipment and software, implementing the recommended solution in the short term may require restructuring the IT department to include a Chief Information Officer (CIO). The CIO would also be responsible to conduct a comprehensive review of current industry technologies and determine which IT capabilities and functionalities will best support the company’s strategic mission.This person would also be responsible to initiate a formal IT budgeting process that is part of the broader capital budget, and create a formal process for selecting and prioritizing IT projects that includes both financial and non-financial metrics (Porter, M, 2001). In the medium term, Zara may consider an outside team to initiate this IT change. It is questionable if Zara currently has the time and internal talent to effect the change. An outsourced professional team may accomplish this task, while allowing personnel to focus on their day to day operations.Zara can cross train a few IT personnel to work closely with the implementation team, to assure a seamless transition. A à ¢â‚¬Å"train the trainer† may be beneficial. This may mean that they may have to hire replacement personnel on a temporary basis. In the long term Zara should develop a â€Å"long-term IT renewal plan† as recommended by Feld and Stoddard, 2004, to develop a plan to maintain and sustain their new system; this requires time, money and talent. Incorporating the three principles in executing IT effectively: A long termIT renewal plan linked to corporate strategy, a simplified unifying corporate technology platform and a highly functional, performance-oriented IT organization would benefit Zara (Feld and Stoddard, 2004). Keeping up with technology allows Zara to focus on future fashion trends, with effective IT they will be able to stay ahead of the curve and keep their leadership. They will sustain their business model based on short deadlines, decrease quantities, and updated styles and fashion.If Zara anticipates opening up new stores in the future, they would need to upgr ade their system anyway. If they opened up new stores with new technology, their current technology would not be compatible and the stores could not communicate effectively with one another and share information. The second solution mentioned above, which involves hiring a consulting firm to review their situation and conduct a strategic financial analysis of their options is not in the best interest of the corporation.Hiring consultants takes time and energy and are expensive. They are not familiar with the organizations structure, strengths, weaknesses or capabilities. Financial resources would be better spent on the purchase of new upgraded equipment vs. putting off the inevitable. The first solution described above, purchasing the current POS terminals from their vendors so they can support their needs in case the vendor changes their machine to new technology and continuing to function they way they have been is not an option, if they want to remain viable.Change is unavoidable , as this profitable, highly reputable company cannot continue to function with obsolete equipment. Obsolete equipment sets them up for failure in the event the equipment fails or needs repair. It does not allow them to implement a systematic plan to move the organization forward, instead it stagnates their capabilities. The likely outcomes of my recommendation would be an efficient, accurate, timely IT infrastructure that communicates well with all stores, accurately accounts for all inventory, allowing manual processes to dissolve.This creates greater efficiencies on the part of the staff. Changing and upgrading their IT system would compensate for their internal communication weaknesses. Upgrading the POS terminals to modern inventory management software, would allow orders to be made on a daily basis instead of twice a week. This would allow the demand and supply to be matched more accurately, making the production process leaner. Inventory management software would lso allow de signers to follow the sales of garments more closely, instead of relying on manual orders from store managers. Store managers could send new fashion or fabric ideas over the internet to headquarters. This constant monitoring and updating can give designers an advantage over the competition in developing new styles and keeping up with the latest fashions. Updating their communication and IT system sooner, rather than later would overall sustain viability of the corporation and enhance their business success. Zara: It for Fast Fashion Zara: IT for Fast Fashion Identification of issues: The case study, Zara: IT for Fast Fashion, focuses on the retail giant, Inditex, and how its largest retail chain, Zara, has been so successful with their business model of high fashion, product variation, low cost, speed, and flexibility. Several issues are identified in this case study. One glaring issue that is apparent relates to the fact that a long term Information Technology (IT) strategy does not exist. There is no formal system in place to plan and predict for their future needs, including operational and capital expenses.Another issue consists of the retailer not having a centralized distribution system in place, their stores do not share inventory counts, and the managers do not have a system in place to look up their inventory balances in their stores or other stores, (they accomplish this by canvassing the stores). Another significant current issue relates to the fact that their current IT system is unsustainable, as th e equipment is obsolete and unsupported by Microsoft. Their IT system is not wireless, their screens are small, they are using styluses, which can be cumbersome, and older technology such as floppy disks and modems.The last issue involves a lack of shared knowledge of the current system in place; one person is relied upon and depended for knowledge of the systems functionality. Being so dependant upon one person places the whole system at risk. Importance of the key issue: The key issue in this case study involves whether or not Inditex should upgrade the retailer’s information technology infrastructure and capabilities or whether they should continue using their current system. The problem that Zara faces now is that their current system, P-O-S (Point of Sales terminals), runs on DOS, which Microsoft does not support any longer.Any hardware change in the POS terminal would not be compatible with their current POS software. Without an upgrade, they risk that their current sup plier could no longer support them. Investing in IT infrastructure is inevitable as Microsoft DOS is obsolete technology and there is no guarantee that their POS vendor will continue supplying the same terminal without changes to their hardware. Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) are currently used in all Zara stores, POS terminals are not connected with Zara’s headquarters or with other stores. here is no system in place to link employees’ daily sales, causing employees to copy this information onto a floppy disk. Zara’s success and main business strategy is dependent upon their ability to respond very quickly to the demands of their customers. By upgrading their current system, they could add functionality and capabilities that could resolve other issues they face, such as sharing inventory, and being proficient at matching supply and demand. They can comfortably meet their mission by keeping current with fashion.Without the infrastructure to support i t, it would be impossible to accomplish, as they would not have the security controls, and back up systems in place. This issue is more important than any other issue to resolve, as Zara’s mission, success and future depends on technology reliability and accuracy. If this issue is not resolved, it is impossible to address all of the other issues identified above. Key Stakeholders: There are numerous stakeholders who are affected by the key issue of whether or not they should upgrade their IT Zara’s customers system want the latest fashions in stock, in their size and color, in a timey fashion.By having an upgraded, efficient IT system, Zara’s customers could experience better inventory controls to meet their needs. This in turn develops customer loyalty which equates to a higher volume of sales. Another key stakeholder is Zara’s employees. Employees want job security. A well defined, upgraded, efficient IT system can assist in sales volume, which turns in to profit for the company. Employees also want to reduce their workload and redundancy. Their current system does not take advantage of functional automation and communication, which can increase their work load.Another stakeholder, Zara’s IT vendor, certainly wants to maintain their business relationship with them, but may find it difficult to continue conducting business with a company who uses such an obsolete, unsupported, vulnerable system. Zara’s managers are also important stakeholders in the decision to upgrade. Their managers want the current POS system to do more, such as look up inventory balances in stores. This basic functionality is lacking. They want to be in a position to negotiate pricing and keep up with their competitors.Zara’s shareholders are interested in maintaining the financial success that Zara has experienced. They want a system in place to assure that their current fashion demands are met, that a system is in place to account for and share merchandise. They want to be able to invest wisely and innovate themselves to stay fresh in the apparel industry. Another stakeholder, Zara’s suppliers wants a functional IT system to provide better lead time for orders and materials, and to be able to communicate in a timely, seamless manner. Causes of the issue:There are many causes that contribute to the situation that Zara faces at the moment. Having a mission and vision without having a strategic plan to get there is a contributing factor. Having a decentralized decision making system in place can also be a root cause. Having equipment that is obsolescence is a result of the above factors. Not having staff and systems in place to effectively plan for the future, leads to antiquated equipment and manual, cumbersome, inaccurate, processes. Other factors responsible for the lack of strategic IT planning at Zara include their current business model and leadership complacency.Alternative solutions: There are three alter native solutions. The first would be to purchase the current POS terminals from their vendors so they can support their needs in case the vendor changes their machine to new technology, and continue functioning the way they have been. The second solution involves hire a consulting firm to review their situation and conduct a strategic financial analysis of their options. The third solution to the key issue identified is to proceed in upgrading their current IT system and add functional capabilities to meet the needs of their organization.Recommendations: I recommend the third solution, that Zara purchase and implementing a new POS networking system. This recommendation would create a robust system that is more responsive to Inditex’s supply chain network. It also removes the risk of the system becoming obsolete and non- compatible with the vendor’s machine upgrade. It decreases their exposure for system failures, helps to maintain and improve efficiency of decentraliza tion because information flow can be improved between stores, distribution chains and vendors.The most important aspect of Zara’s approach to information technology includes the ability to meet the needs of their customers, whether that involves accuracy, timeliness, marketing, demand, or communication. Their original business model involved linking demand to manufacturing, and linking manufacturing to distribution, this involves a reliable, compatible IT system. Upgrading the POS applications to include additional functionality, such as networking capability, and the ability to share inventory with other stores, only makes their corporation more productive and efficient.The use of larger screens, and keyboards, vs. smaller screens and styluses would also be beneficial to the employees and customers. There are however pitfalls to this recommendation. Above and beyond the obvious capital expense of the equipment and software, implementing the recommended solution in the short term may require restructuring the IT department to include a Chief Information Officer (CIO). The CIO would also be responsible to conduct a comprehensive review of current industry technologies and determine which IT capabilities and functionalities will best support the company’s strategic mission.This person would also be responsible to initiate a formal IT budgeting process that is part of the broader capital budget, and create a formal process for selecting and prioritizing IT projects that includes both financial and non-financial metrics (Porter, M, 2001). In the medium term, Zara may consider an outside team to initiate this IT change. It is questionable if Zara currently has the time and internal talent to effect the change. An outsourced professional team may accomplish this task, while allowing personnel to focus on their day to day operations.Zara can cross train a few IT personnel to work closely with the implementation team, to assure a seamless transition. A à ¢â‚¬Å"train the trainer† may be beneficial. This may mean that they may have to hire replacement personnel on a temporary basis. In the long term Zara should develop a â€Å"long-term IT renewal plan† as recommended by Feld and Stoddard, 2004, to develop a plan to maintain and sustain their new system; this requires time, money and talent. Incorporating the three principles in executing IT effectively: A long termIT renewal plan linked to corporate strategy, a simplified unifying corporate technology platform and a highly functional, performance-oriented IT organization would benefit Zara (Feld and Stoddard, 2004). Keeping up with technology allows Zara to focus on future fashion trends, with effective IT they will be able to stay ahead of the curve and keep their leadership. They will sustain their business model based on short deadlines, decrease quantities, and updated styles and fashion.If Zara anticipates opening up new stores in the future, they would need to upgr ade their system anyway. If they opened up new stores with new technology, their current technology would not be compatible and the stores could not communicate effectively with one another and share information. The second solution mentioned above, which involves hiring a consulting firm to review their situation and conduct a strategic financial analysis of their options is not in the best interest of the corporation.Hiring consultants takes time and energy and are expensive. They are not familiar with the organizations structure, strengths, weaknesses or capabilities. Financial resources would be better spent on the purchase of new upgraded equipment vs. putting off the inevitable. The first solution described above, purchasing the current POS terminals from their vendors so they can support their needs in case the vendor changes their machine to new technology and continuing to function they way they have been is not an option, if they want to remain viable.Change is unavoidable , as this profitable, highly reputable company cannot continue to function with obsolete equipment. Obsolete equipment sets them up for failure in the event the equipment fails or needs repair. It does not allow them to implement a systematic plan to move the organization forward, instead it stagnates their capabilities. The likely outcomes of my recommendation would be an efficient, accurate, timely IT infrastructure that communicates well with all stores, accurately accounts for all inventory, allowing manual processes to dissolve.This creates greater efficiencies on the part of the staff. Changing and upgrading their IT system would compensate for their internal communication weaknesses. Upgrading the POS terminals to modern inventory management software, would allow orders to be made on a daily basis instead of twice a week. This would allow the demand and supply to be matched more accurately, making the production process leaner. Inventory management software would lso allow de signers to follow the sales of garments more closely, instead of relying on manual orders from store managers. Store managers could send new fashion or fabric ideas over the internet to headquarters. This constant monitoring and updating can give designers an advantage over the competition in developing new styles and keeping up with the latest fashions. Updating their communication and IT system sooner, rather than later would overall sustain viability of the corporation and enhance their business success.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Solar Energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Solar Energy - Research Paper Example Since then, harnessing and utilization of the solar energy has increased manifolds. Today, it is used as a renewable source of energy in homes and offices to make the buildings green and the business sustainable. A lot of research has conventionally gone into identification of ways to apply solar energy, and quite a lot of ways have been found in which solar energy can be produced and used in a cost effective way. A system consisting of a whole range of solar panels along with the storage batteries is conventionally employed as the most suitable setup for harnessing the energy derived from the sun. Light incident from the sun is collected by the solar panels which in turn, store the energy thus captured into the storage batteries. As the solar energy is transferred to the batteries, it is possible to also use it to operate different home appliances and machines. The excessive solar energy that is originally stored in the batteries can be later made use of right after the sunset or in the night as required. In homes that solely rely upon sun as a source of energy, people keep batteries that are good enough to maintain power supplies to facilitate the operation of such home appliances as ovens, stoves, fridges, tvs and other digital devices. The stored solar energy is also frequently used to regulate the temperature of the home by operating the temperature controlling devices like heaters and air conditioners. A system consisting of a whole range of solar panels along with the storage batteries is conventionally employed.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mutations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mutations - Essay Example These events culminate in the creation of loops possessing extra-helical bases that can produce frame-shift mutations unless they are reversed by mismatch repair (Errol et al 54). In HNPCC, also known as Lynch syndrome, an inherited mutation located in the mismatch repair gene leads to MI replication errors going unfixed. In most cases, this results in length changes for di-nucleotide repeats for the nucleo-bases adenine and cytosine. Changes in the nucleotide repeats indicate a DNA repair system in fault that can lead, to growth of colon cancer cells. MI insertions and deletions cause inappropriate DNA repair, which leads to uncontrolled division of cells and growth of tumours. This paper provides examples of human diseases that result from mutations and the way these mutations give rise to the diseases. Mutations affecting transition in CpG islands is a common cause of colorectal cancer. O6-methyl-guanine DNA methyl-transferase, or MGMT, is a vital enzyme during the repair of DNA. The enzyme removes all cytotoxic and mutagenic adducts from O6-guanine found in DNA. This site is the most preferred attack point for numerous alkylating chemotherapeutic agents and carcinogens. The loss of MGMT activity can be triggered by hyper-methylating the CpG Island that is located in MGMT’s promoter region, and is culpable in most cases of colorectal cancer (Errol et al 71). ... In addition, hyper-methylation of MGMT can be used in pharmaco-epigenomics with methylated tumors showing more sensitivity to alkylating drugs utilized in chemotherapy (Errol et al 71). Another form of mutation can occur during alternative splicing, which causes Oculopharyngial muscular dystrophy, or OPMD. This disease is an autosomal dominant disease of the muscles, which occurs worldwide. Recent research has found that the disease’s genetic basis is in mutations to the poly-A binding protein gene, which involves short GCQ tri-nucleotide repeat expansions that encode the poly-alanine tract (Schwarz 76). The underlying mechanism, which causes triplet expansion of mutation of the gene, is yet to be elucidated, but the model of DNA slippage is thought to be a plausible explanation. Mutated alleles found in patients suffering from OPMD are most likely caused by (GCG)(2)(GCA)(3) and (GCG)(3)GCA and not because of GCG repeat expansions (Schwarz 78). Unequal crossing-over of the two PABP2 alleles, therefore, rather than slippage of DNA, is the best explanation for mutations that lead to OPMD. Practically, all mutations that patients with OPMD report are explained by unequal crossover. Mutations occurring during alternative splicing can cause breast cancer. Breast cancer cells, as do most other cancer cells, adapt to their environment via the generation of new genetic products by alternative splicing (Jeanteur 80). Analysis of transcriptome has shown that over fifty percent of the human genome encodes protein iso-forms by alternative splicing of pre- mRNA. Therefore, alternative splicing is utilized as a vital mechanism for the generation of the human proteome diversity. Additionally, the isoform-selective expression of genes is important in cellular

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Define, Describe, Compare, and Contrast a Nurse Practitioner and a Research Paper

Define, Describe, Compare, and Contrast a Nurse Practitioner and a Clinical Nurse Specialist - Research Paper Example Nurse practitioners can work independently of a doctor, and can practice in various settings such as family practice, women’s health, school health, primary care, pediatrics, emergency, geriatrics, cardiology, neonatology, nephrology, and oncology (Mirr & Zwygart-Stauffacher, 2010). A clinical nurse specialist is also engaged in advanced nursing, but she specializes on a specific course to lay focus on a specific population complementing the course of study. A clinical nurse specialist can focus on a certain field, such as post-anesthesia care or certain diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and pediatrics among others. The nurse can also specialize in working in a specific environment such as an emergence room, a recovery room, an operating room, or a general ward. A clinical nurse specialist also focuses on clinical practice, research, consulting, teaching, and management. While a nurse practitioner usually has good decision-making skills, a clinical nurse specialist is more assessment-oriented and has good assessment skills (Fulton et al, 2010). The two types of nurses always rank at the top in nursing field because they practice advanced nursing. The two are quite similar in qualifications and the environments they work in, and in some countries like Canada, it is quite hard to compare and contrast. Even though the two are quite similar, there are some differences. The two can be compared and contrasted in terms of education, job roles, practice setting and medical practice. Both positions require master’s degree as a minimal qualification. They attain almost similar qualifications and schooling for a similar duration. However, a nurse practitioner must complete and pass a certificate program after the master’s degree to be able to study different fields of medicine. The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners together with the licensing body, the American Nurses Credentialing Center, usually provides this certificate

Friday, July 26, 2019

Coursework on Juvenile Justice Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On Juvenile Justice - Coursework Example obeisance to all laws, including traffic laws, attendance to probation officers as mandated by the court, attendance to all school sessions and abeyance to school regulations, disassociation with codefendants or other probationers, prohibition on the possession of any weapon, among others. Failure to follow these standard laws can lead to the probationer’s arrest and return to court. Standard supervision includes meetings with probation officers or community workers for the implementation of a case plan for first time, low-risk juvenile offenders. Over the years, however, intensive supervision programs including home confinement and electronic monitoring are being used for offenders who have high levels of recidivism. Different courts offer various probation programs. Probation officers different abilities and willingness to work with probationers. Moreover, communities offer different services for rehabilitation of offenders. One community may focus on educational programs wh ile others utilize job training and placement as a way to prevent re-offense. 2. Discuss the six basic roles of a probation officer. What do you think consumes most of their time? If you were a juvenile probation officer, what do you think would be your favorite role? Explain your position. Probation officers (PO) perform six basic functions: (1) They act as social investigators in the hope of providing juvenile judges with information on whether the juvenile will be given conditional discharge, probation or passed on to the juvenile justice system; (2) POs act as counselors or rehabilitators in that they ensure that the juvenile under probation will follow court orders; (3) POs are protectors of the society or the community in that they are mandated to arrest juvenile probationers in case they are violating the conditions set by the court, or are endangering the security of the society or community; (4) POs write and administer case plans based on the juvenile’s social histo ry. Through these case plans, POs can ensure that offenders will no longer return to court; (5) POs act as collector of court-ordered monies or other sanctions. If the juvenile is sanctioned for community service, POs ensure that this duty is performed by the probationer. (6) POs act as brokers for community resources in that they organize resources so that it serves the needs of both the probationer and the community. Through this function, POs are able to ensure that juvenile offenders are able to seamlessly integrate with the society. My favorite role is that of an investigator because of my natural curiosity. Through this function, I can learn more about a person, and be able to determine what is causing that person to exhibit a specific behavior. 3. Define the different types of restitution and discuss the operation and effectiveness of this sanction.  Explain the findings on research into restitution effectiveness.   At present, there are three kinds of restitutions utiliz ed by the juvenile justice system: community service restitution, victim service restitution and monetary. In monetary restitution, offenders are ordered by the court to earn income so that they can pay back the victim. The rationale behind this is that the court wants the offender to realize the economic effects of his or her act and be responsible for his/her behavior. Victim service restitution requires the offender to pay the victim back in kind. By doing this, the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Islam gave preference to men over women Research Paper

Islam gave preference to men over women - Research Paper Example In that case a burqa is a pagan invention, the pre-Islamic, preserved in some Muslim countries due to practical needs: protecting from the desert wind, carrying sand, protecting from the looks of men-strangers. By the way, the Arabs adhere increasingly the fourth verses of the Koran, which says to be married only on one woman, if the man has no possibility to satisfy her needs. Here we are talking about equality in property. In marriage, woman has the right to choose her husband. She can require the signing of a pre-nuptial agreement with her husband-to-be (Bakhtiar Web). The possibility of polygamy is provided in exceptional cases. For example, if a woman can`t have children, if there is a psychological or sexual incompatibility with her husband. The man is allowed to continue living with the first family and marries a second time. However the percentage of such marriages is extremely low in the Muslim countries, and on those territories, where women are more emancipated, like Syria, Jordan, Iraq, polygamy is practically absent, with rare exceptions. If we talk about the different rooms during praying in the mosques, it is arranged for the purpose that man must not see her in the position of committing Sujud (prostration during prayer). By the way, in many mosques women`s half of territory is carpeted or has heated floors. We have also another interesting fact. When a woman from a Muslim family goes to work, then all her salary arrives into her pocket, bypassing the so-called â€Å"family† budget. This point shows us that a Muslim woman can have even more rights in some cases than Christian one (â€Å"Women Laws† 40). Religion of Islam claims that a woman - as well as man - has a will, freedom of action and spirituality, and it considers her ability to achieve true perfection and happiness. Quran puts woman on a par with a man and refers to both at the same level (Roald 213). With this statement Islam destroys the ideology of the allegations

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dutchtown High School Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Dutchtown High School - Research Paper Example There are a number of classes that are offered at Dutchtown middle school even though all the students are encouraged to take the entire four major lessons, which are science social studies, math, and English. The school also provides an opportunity to get into an in-state university. The schools motto is to provide an environment of excellence where all students can become lifelong learners and productive citizens. In addition, the school also offers courses in United States history, studio art 2d-design, biology, computer science, art history, calculus Ab & Bc, chemistry, English language and composition , politics, studio art drawing, US government, English literature, world history, European history and physics. The state of Louisiana has an enrollment of 703,309 students while the attendance rate for the year 2010-2011 was 94.8% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). However, the in-school suspension rate for the year 2010-2011 was 9.6% while the percentage of classes taught by highly qual ified teachers for the same year was 88.8%. The expenditure per student was $10,622. The state ranked in a grade of 91.8 in 2010, which is a 2 star ranking and 93.3 in 2011, which is a grade C ranking (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). ... n.  However, the area where the school is located is vulnerable to hurricanes and the tropical systems since the area is lowly elevated, and has a close location to the coast of southeast Louisiana. The town lies 23 feet above the sea level, which is slightly lower than most areas of United States (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). Geismar in turn is located in Louisiana, a state found in the US, which is found in the southern region. The state of Louisiana is among the most extensive and populous states of the United States. This has contributed greatly in shaping the demographics patterns of Ducthtown High School in that the school boasts of a large population of students and teachers. The average ratio of students to teacher is 25:1, which is actually a moderate ratio. The capitals of Louisiana are found in Baton Rouge whereas the largest city in that state is New Orleans. One interesting political fact is that the state of New Orleans is the only state in the US whereby the three are political subdivisions known as parishes. Dutchtown High School is located in Ascension Parish. These parishes are the equivalents of counties in many other US states (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). Ethnically, the state of Louisiana’s urban environments is a multi-cultural environment and multi-lingual surroundings. The states heritage is by far shaped and influenced by the admixture of 18th century,  Native American, African,  and Spanish cultures. Cultures and ethnicity are considered exceptional in the US statistics, which have also played a major role in shaping the schools ethnicity and cultural heritage. This multi cultures were contributed largely by the colonial history of this state whereby the French and the Spanish colonized it way before the British took over colonizing America.

Two Descriptions paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Two Descriptions paper - Essay Example I realize I was at a dog park, but generally dog owners are responsible for cleaning up their dog’s waste. After looking at my shoes I headed towards a park bench to clean them off. As I was wiping off my shoes I heard a sudden loud shriek. I looked up and saw that my dog was being attacked by two other larger dogs. Finally I ran over to the area and took my dog home. As I walked into the dog park I was not sure what to expect. After entering the park my dog ran to the fence and began smelling her way around the park. As I was standing there watching her many other dogs ran up to me. All the dogs – large and small – were in the same park and it was an interesting sight. One small dog ran up to me and was trying to play. Other larger dogs came up and were barking and trying to jump on me. I wish I had brought dog treats for everyone. Soon later I walked to find a place to sit. I was excited about the park and did not look at the ground, causing me to accidently step into some dog excrement. I had to remind myself to be careful about these hazards at a dog park. I eventually found a bench and heard barking in the background. My dog seemed to have gotten into a scuffle with two other dogs. Finally, I decided to walk over and take my dog home – it had been a busy day. There were a number of ways that I created different impressions between the two stories. From an overarching perspective I wanted to ensure that the events that occurred in the two stories were entirely the same. By ensuring that the events were the same, I was able to explore the different ways that people interpret their surrounding environment. This is witnessed as both individuals encounter dogs that run up to them. The first individual describes these dogs in a threatening way, while the second person describes the dogs in a warm and engaging way. These divergent impressions of the same situation brings the reader’s attention to the way

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mapping Your Conflicts Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mapping Your Conflicts - Case Study Example A good example is the issue of sibling rivalry where a daughter becomes jealous of the newly born baby brother. Sometimes, because of the new baby, parents and family members give more attention to the new born child, and the elder daughter will feel left behind. The daughter will now start to ask for more attention and become rebellious. Conflict will arise between daughter and parents. Instead of blaming someone for what happened, the systems theory helps assess the situation by knowing all sides of the story. The systems theory will look at the daughter’s perspective and from the perspectives of the parents. Because of this, both of them will understand what really happened and why it happened without having someone feel the guilt and blame. In this week’s case study, I will use the metaphor of â€Å"conflict as competition† to describe the conflict between Enrique and Monica. In this metaphor, those involve will always aim to win against the other. Both Enriq ue and Monica don’t want to give in and let someone control the other. Monica wants Enrique to help her, Enrique wants to go out and not help. Monica does not want Enrique to do his own way and go to his friend and she can’t. Neither of them wants to let someone rule over the other.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nietzsche- Good V. Evil Essay Example for Free

Nietzsche- Good V. Evil Essay Friederich Nietzsche’s first essay in his work â€Å"On the Genealogy of Morals† is a piece titled, â€Å"Good and Evil, Good and Bad. † The essay seeks to trace the origin of morals, specifically the distinction made between good and bad and the subjective difference separating evil and bad. He elaborates that in the modern world the way we define good and bad is never questioned since we assume those definitions were reasonably created. Over time, Nietzsche argues, we lost sight of the origin of these words, pinpointing this moment as â€Å"when aristocratic value judgments declined† (Nietzsche 26). Nietzsche holds the ruling aristocratic class responsible for originally defining good and bad, while the common lower class followed with their own definition of good and its antithesis, evil. The focus of Nietzsche’s essay is the search to define good, bad, and evil, and the response of the weak class to classifications of good and bad made by the powerful class. It is the resentment or as he calls the ressentiment of the commoners or the â€Å"slaves† to the noble class that creates the opposing idea of what constitutes good and what is bad or evil. The original definition of good given by the powerful aristocratic class caused resentment among the lower classes. This weaker lower class turned the tables, claiming the actions of the nobles were not simply bad, a clear turn from good, but evil, and instead the inaction and weakness inherent in the lower classes was in fact good. Nietzsche argues that the commoner’s resentment of the powerful is more aggressive than the aristocratic contempt for the weak. This deep resentment further enslaves the weak into a downcast role since the weak only define their goodness by the evil nature of the powerful. The powerful noble class maintains their definition of good without going as far to say that the weak are evil; instead they are pitiable. The weak are unable to challenge the strong and therefore define their position as good despite their inaction, while the strong and powerful noble class is free to live in a world of activity void of constant comparisons to their counter part, the weak. Nietzsche believes time has distanced and blinded man from the original conceptions of morality that are good and bad. The modern conceptions of good and bad come from a practical and believable story where â€Å"one approved unegoistic actions and called them good from the point of view of those to whom they were done, that is to say, those to whom they were useful†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Nietzsche 25). Nietzsche continues that â€Å"†¦later one forgot how this approval originated and, simply because unegoistic actions were always habitually praised as good, one also felt them to be good- as if they were something good in themselves† (Nietzsche 25). This is how we define good in the modern day, Nietzsche says, because once the true origin of good was ditched along the path of history, man invented a definition that seemed appropriate. He continues stating, â€Å" The judgment ‘good’ did not originate with those to whom ‘goodness’ was shown! Rather it was ‘the good’ themselves, that is to say, the noble, powerful, high-stationed and high-minded, who felt and established themselves and their actions as good, that is, of the first rank, in contradistinction to all the low, low-minded, common and plebeian† (Nietzsche 25). The definitions of good and bad were constructed by the noble class who looked to themselves for examples of goodness and then invented a casual explanation of bad as only a contrasting necessity. Nietzsche strengthens his argument that the moral values of good and bad were defined by the noble class in a discussion of the origin of the words good and bad in multiple languages. He asks the question, â€Å"What was the real etymological significance of the designations of ‘good’ coined in the various languages? I found they all led back to the same conceptual transformation- that everywhere ‘noble,’ ‘aristocratic’ in the social sense, is the basic concept from which good†¦ necessarily developed† (Nietzsche 27-28). Nietzsche wishes to firmly establish that the powerful class elucidated original morality. The action to establish what is good and bad by the noble class is followed by a refutation of these establishments by the weaker class. Nietzsche affirms that it was specifically the Jews, the priestly people of the earth, who were the first to flip the roles of good and bad in the debate of what constitutes moral behavior. The priest and the noble aristocrat are in opposition to each other. Nietzsche thought this obvious and says, â€Å"One will have divided already how easily the priestly mode of valuation can branch off from the knightly-aristocratic and then develop into its opposite; this is particularly likely when the priestly caste and the warrior class are in jealous opposition to one another and are unwilling to come to terms† (Nietzsche 33). It is important to understand why Nietzsche focuses on the Jews in particular for being the people who reinvent the terms of morality. Nietzsche alludes to the history of the Jews as repressed people who are taken advantage of by the powerful and cruel warrior class of aristocrats. It is due to this history that â€Å"†¦the Jews, that priestly people, who in opposing their enemies and conquerors were ultimately satisfied with nothing less than a radical revaluation of their enemies’ values, that is to say, an act of the most spiritual revenge† (Nietzsche 33-34). This section of Nietzsche’s first essay is directed at examining the context in which the value of good was redefined, shedding light on why the revaluation of morals by the weak is insufficient and lacking conviction and merit. The trend was begun by the Jews and soon turned to the more general â€Å"slave revolt in morality† (Nietzsche 34). The slave can be the priest, the peasant, simply the overall commoner who is weak and defined by impotence. The Jews though, were the first to â€Å"invert the aristocratic value-equation†¦ saying ‘the wretched alone are the good; the poor, impotent, lowly alone are the good; the suffering, deprived, sick, ugly alone are pious†¦ and you, the powerful, noble, are on the contrary the evil, the cruel, the lustful, the insatiable, the godless to all eternity; and you shall be in all eternity the unblessed, accursed, and damned† (Nietzsche 34)! The definition of good has been transformed to support the inaction and inferiority of the weak. Nietzsche does not value this change in moral standards not because he believes they are inherently wrong, but by the process in which they were constructed. The man of resentment, to which we may now refer to in place of the Jew, the priest, the commoner, or the weak, has positioned himself to be seen as good because the powerful aristocratic class is evil, cruel, and damned. This is where the problem lies and where it is seen that the argument of goodness coming from the man of resentment, although plausible and not without merit, is superficially constructed and gives no real convincing advantage to the morality of the weak. This slave morality that is created by the man of resentment exists only from vengeance of the external idea of good created by the class of nobles that is also external to the weak and resentful. Herein lies the problem. While the powerful noble class has found what they consider good by looking in on themselves, out of their action and their values, the men of resentment on the contrary have only conjured a lucid definition of good by their blind opposition to the conceived good of the nobles. Nietzsche says, â€Å"The inversion of the value-positing eye- this need to direct one’s view outward instead of back to oneself- is of the essence of ressentiment: in order to exist, slave morality always first needs a hostile external world; it needs, physiologically speaking, external stimuli in order to act at all- its action is fundamentally reaction† (Nietzsche 36-37). The need for an opposing view of what is moral and good is needed for the man of resentment to redefine what he thinks is moral and good, yet Nietzsche argues that the slave morality does not consist of its own definition; it simply labels what was good as evil and assumes this will be a convincing argument for the goodness of those who can define the evil powerful class. The constant comparison the men of resentment make of themselves to the powerful is a fault since the slave morality these men wish to prove is void of real tangible evidence of good and can only define goodness in contrast to the evil of the powerful. These powerful are given the upper hand because of the way they define their goodness. Whereas the men of resentment form their slave morality by the external examination of the powerful, â€Å"The reverse is the case with the noble mode of valuation: it acts and grows spontaneously, its seeks its opposite only so as to affirm itself more gratefully and triumphantly- its negative concept ‘low,’ ‘common,’ ‘bad’ is only a subsequently-invented pale, contrasting image in relation to its positive basic concept† (Nietzsche 37). The difference is in the contempt the powerful have for the weak as opposed to the resentment the weak have for the powerful. The contempt of the weak is weak itself, where it is only a product of the original definition of good. Yet the resentment of the weak is a force that defines them instead of seeing this resentment as only valuable to define what is evil or bad after a self-created concept of good is in place. The man of resentment therefore places value in his opposition to evil. While the evil of the powerful noble class manifests itself in actions of cruelty at times, the powerful are also more capable of better things, as they â€Å"†¦felt themselves to be ‘happy’; they did not have to establish their happiness artificially by examining their enemies, or to persuade themselves, deceive themselves, that they were happy† (Nietzsche 38). The man of resentment on the contrary is burdened by his constant comparison to the evil, continuously having to convince himself that he is indeed good instead of just living that way. The man of resentment is in an unfavorable and unfortunate disadvantage. His opposition to the powerful noble always defines his livelihood and happiness, whereas the noble lives a life more free, void of constant comparison. The man of resentment defines the moral values of good and evil out of vengeance and in contrast to the self-established morality of the powerful aristocratic class. These men of resentment, who Nietzsche argues are naturally weak, define goodness not by looking to themselves but by examining the external world of the powerful, which they perceive as evil. The weak superficially construct strength and power from their inferior position by defining good as their humble and peaceful attitude, a substitution for their natural weakness and inability to challenge the strength of the powerful noble class. These men of weakness have historically succeeded in defining their inferiority as good by demonizing the powerful, but this self-deception constrains the livelihood of the weak as they are weighed down by their constant resentment of the powerful that only hold indifferent contempt for the weak. The weak are only redefining the form of slavery that is weakness with a self-deceptive concept of good.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance Of Human Resources In The Hospitaliy Industry Tourism Essay

Importance Of Human Resources In The Hospitaliy Industry Tourism Essay In order to gain competitive power for the hotel, human resource management is an elementary issue. Human resource management can be regarded as the foundation for the hotel to acquire competitive advantage. Honoring the employees through effective communication, training programs for the employees and benefit programs is what effective hospitality management is all about. Human resource management and effective hospitality management is the corner stone of successful business in hospitality industry. The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel policies. In todays quality-driven, empowered, hospitality workplace, practices that encourage greater employee performance must become integrated into the way a hotel, restaurant, resort, or any other form of hospitality service organization does business. Getting it right the first time (one of the sacred tenets of total quality management) can only be achieved in the hospitality industry through a motivated, empowered, and trained team. At times guest problems are not foreseen; therefore, employees have to feel empowered to correct a problem on the spot. In a service business, you cant have a rigid set of rules. It is possible to have guidelines, but people must be allowed the freedom to make different interpretations. A mature, well-trained hospitality team is capable of making better quality decisions than a single individual. The use of a team approach improves the overall quality of decision making, and the level of commitment to the team becomes much higher. When team members share the process of problem solving and decision making, they are more likely to become owners of the organizations plans, and to do everything possible to transform the plans into reality. Collective wisdom is virtually always superior to individual wisdom. what are the staffing issues for hotels ? i m writing u the case study which is have it. please give me a solution about staffing issues. The Courthouse Hotel is a large, privately owned establishment located in the centre of a large city. Once the major hotel in the city, it has in recent years struggled to maintain profit margins in the face of competition from three new hotels operated by well-known national and international chains. The Courthouse maintains a three-star standard of service, competing primarily on the basis of cost. Its prices are therefore kept considerably lower than those charged in the newer hotels, while the range and quality of food and accommodation are also of a lower standard. The hotel has 150 bedrooms, a bar, a carvery style restaurant, and a function room which is used for private dinners and business meetings. There are no large-scale banqueting facilities, no porters and no room service. While there are one or two part-time members of staff, 95% are employed on full-time permanent contracts. With the exception of a few senior managers, administrators and night workers, the staff work either early or late shifts (ie 6.30-3.30 or 3.00-11.00). Because the vast majority of the hotels guests are business people staying on week-nights, staff are required to work only one weekend in every four. Three months ago a well-known businessman purchased the hotel with a number of interests in the city. He has decided to change the business strategy by moving the hotel up-market to a four star standard and offering a wider range of services. A major refurbishment is planned, together with the opening of a new banqueting suite, an à   la carte restaurant, a leisure club, a full portering service and extensive lounge / room service operation. In staffing terms there is a need to improve the interpersonal skills of staff and to raise general standards of customer service by a substantial margin. The rationale for these developments is the impending opening of a new convention center a short walk away from the hotel. From January next year it is expected that the volume of trade will increase by 60 per cent, provided the Courthouse can raise its standards to those expected of a wealthier and more international clientele. The problem, from a people management perspective, is the likely erratic nature of business patterns once the convention centre opens. Periods of several weeks will go by with relatively little occurring in the centre, punctuated by shorter periods of frenetic activity when major conferences, exhibitions, concerts and sporting events take place. A more specific opportunity presents itself next summer, when as part of a bid to publicise the citys new convention centre, the government has announced that it will be hosting a major intergovernmental conference in the city. For the duration of this event each hotel will house a particular delegation, with the Courthouse being allocated to the Germans. This means that the entire hotel will be taken over by the German Chancellor, other senior German politicians, advisers, civil servants and 75 accredited journalists for a week next summer. During that period there will be a heavy security operation in the hotel. It will also have to host several press conferences and a series of breakfast meetings at which the Chancellor will meet other world leaders. In addition, it will have to maintain a far higher standard of cuisine and service than it is accustomed to providing. If successful, a large amount of positive publicity can be guaranteed. If, on the other hand, the hotel conspicuous ly fails to provide the standard of service expected by a Government delegation, the ensuing negative publicity way will undermine the whole refurbishment strategy planned by the new owner. One of the most important departments of any hotel staff is human resources management. Proper human resources management can be the difference between a really well run hotel and a poorly one hotel. The human resources manager can control almost the whole feeling and presence of the entire hotel. This makes the importance of human resources management for hotels very evident. There are several different areas in which human resources management is very important. One of these areas is for newly hired employees. The employees that are hired in a hotel can really alter the quality of service and the whole atmosphere of the hotel. This means that it is very important to pick upbeat, dedicated workers for each position. It is the job of the human resources manager to make sure that good people are chosen to work in the hotel. In many cases many hotel workers are only participating in hotel work because they can find nothing else to do. Not very many people have a dream of running or serving in a hotel environment. However, there are some people who do want to work in that capacity, and it is the job of the human resources manager to find those people. Retention of employees is another large problem in the hotel service business. Since so many of the employees do not have hotel work as their ending career goals, many of them only work in a hotel for a short amount of time. Other employees may have to be let go because of poor work ethics or other issues. However, there are ways that a hotel human resources manager can curb some of the desire and likelihood that employees will move to other jobs quickly. The importance of human resources management for hotels is very large in this area. Managers can provide good training and incentive programs that will cause employees to stay longer at the hotel. Having a clear progression plan to advance to higher levels of service will also cause employees to stick around much longer. The issue of employee progression and promotion is also another large issue for the hotel industry. The importance of human resources management for hotels is proven in this area. Hotels which provide ways for employees to advance in position, or that provide training for employees so that they can gain skills necessary for an advanced position are very important to the retention rate of employees. It is easy to implement services of this nature and the expense is negligible compared to the expense and time necessary to constantly find new employees to replace the ones that always leave shortly after being hired. One of the easiest things to implement is English lessons. Many hotel employees do not speak English very well, and so it is a great incentive for them to stay working at a hotel if they are offered English lessons. The importance of human resources management for hotels is also important in the area of employee services. If the employees know they can come to the human resources manager whenever they have a problem or issue then it is easier for them to work in good conscience. Many human resources departments implement different games and activities to make the work environment more interesting and fun for employees. There are many different services that a human resources manager can think of to help employee morale. Maybe the hotel could implement a babysitting service, or have a park day every year. These little services go a long way towards making happy employees. Happy employees make happy companies and happy customers. As you can see, the importance of human resources management for hotels is very great. There are thousands of ways that a human resources manager can make a hotel run more smoothly and more efficiently. There are many different areas that can benefit from the experience and guidance of a human resources manager. Therefore it is very important to not undermine the managers importance. Without the human resources manager a hotel is not the same or as pleasing to customers and employees. A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION The project work entitled a STUDY ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION with special reference to Hyderabad Industries Ltd; Thrissur is mainly conducted to identify the factors which will motivate the employees and the organizational functions in Hyderabad Industries Ltd, Thrissur. Managements basic job is the effective utilization of human resources for achievements of organizational objectives. The personnel management is concerned with organizing human resources in such a way to get maximum output to the enterprise and to develop the talent of people at work to the fullest satisfaction. Motivation implies that one person, in organization context a manager, includes another, say an employee, to engage in action by ensuring that a channel to satisfy those needs and aspirations becomes available to the person. In addition to this, the strong needs in a direction that is satisfying to the latent needs in employees and harness them in a manner that would be functional for the organization. Employee m otivation is one of the major issues faced by every organization. It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinates or to create the will to work among the subordinates. It should also be remembered that a worker may be immensely capable of doing some work; nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work. A manager has to make appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Hence this studies also focusing on the employee motivation among the employees of Hyderabad Industries Ltd. The data needed for the study has been collected from the employees through questionnaires and through direct interviews. Analysis and interpretation has been done by using the statistical tools and datas are presented through tables and charts. 2. What is a Motivation? Robbins and Judge (2007) explain that motivation is the process that account for an individuals intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal (Robbins and Judge, 2007 p.186). However, this process has to be worked between the managers or supervisor of the business and its employees as the manager or supervisor is in charge of studying methods of encouraging employees to work hard and efficiently on a constant basis (Cited on: Guerrier, 1999 p. 100). In addition, many motivation theories were developed during the 1950s; such as Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, Theories X and Y and the two factor theory    but those would not be examined here as their validity has been questionable (Cited on: Robbins and Judge, 2007 p.186). On the other hand, the Expectancy theory will be carefully studied in order to understand why managers should focus more on providing to its employees reasons for putting effort into their work and therefore generate good work performance that could lead to rewards that are Employee motivation in the workplace The job of a manager in the workplace is to get things done through employees. To do this the manager should be able to motivate employees. But thats easier said than done! Motivation practice and theory are difficult subjects, touching on several disciplines. In spite of enormous research, basic as well as applied, the subject of motivation is not clearly understood and more often than not poorly practiced. To understand motivation one must understand human nature itself. And there lies the problem! Human nature can be very simple, yet very complex too. An understanding and appreciation of this is a prerequisite to effective employee motivation in the workplace and therefore effective management and leadership. What Does it Mean to Lead? Leadership, as defined by most dictionaries, means to go before, or with, to show the way; to induce. Every organization needs a leader (and preferably several leaders) to show the way to others as the organization strives to define and achieve its goals. Whether these goals are entrepreneurial or humanitarian or both the leaders work is to instill a sense of purpose and passion to the work that the organization undertakes. Identifying, developing and sustaining leadership in your organization must be one of your strategic objectives. Without leaders at every level of your organization, your organization may well under-perform. It may miss strategic opportunities, stifle innovation, underutilize your employees, and fall short of its goals in customer service, quality, productivity, and profitability. Russell Consulting, Inc. can guide your organization in identifying and developing your leaders. We can help you develop the key competencies that will help develop and sustain leadership, but also sustain your companys long-term success. Leadership at every level make all of the difference as to whether your company will be around for the long haul. Invest in leadership today to sustain your success for tomorrow and beyond. The Core Competencies of Leadership RCI has been developing leaders in its client organizations since 1987. We have designed and developed leadership programs that help define an ambitious role for leaders at every level and then build the competencies to fulfill this role. Some of the competencies that we have defined as core to the role of leaders include: Strategic Thinking Coaching Problem Solving Decision Making Systems Thinking Delegation Performance Management and Accountability Inspiring a Shared Vision Managing Conflict Building and Sustaining Teamwork Leading Change Quality and Productivity Improvement Servant Leadership Emotional Intelligence Innovation and Creativity Customer Service Employee Development Develop Trust Dealing with Ambiguity See the link at the upper right of this page for a possible leadership curriculum. Defining and Assessing Leadership Competencies We can help your organization define what it seeks to develop in its leaders and then design a customized leadership development program for you. Once we guide you in defining what leadership means in your company, we then conduct a 360 ° leadership assessment (of these core competencies) to provide a baseline measure of each leaders effectiveness. Click here for more information on our leadership 360: 360 ° Leadership Assessment and Development. Developing leadership at every level of your organization helps sustain your long-term success. When you work with us to develop your leadership, we help you grow your leadership at every level through customized training programs and guide your leaders in applying what they are learning to real issues and challenges facing your organization.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Harry Potter Book Review Essay

Harry Potter Book Review Essay The Harry Potter books are very successful upon their being published. The Harry Potter books describe us as muggles, non magical people who live our lives not knowing the existence of wizards. The books allow us to envision a magical world that we are unable to see. Wizards are usually tolerant and good toward muggles. The book thins the line between real life and fantasy. People love an unlikely hero who isnt supposed to succeed and one who is an underdog in life. Harry Potter with a scar on his forehead, usually broken glasses, his small skinny frame and lateness about learning the wizard world, is that underdog hero that everyone covets to see. He succeeds in his endeavors because he is enthusiastic, he has a significant amount of courage, and the best friends anyone person could hope to have. He is one of the most courageous characters you will ever read about in a fantasy novel. Its stunning how much more he cares about other people than he does himself. He and his friends would die for each other which is the trademark of a friendship that can go no higher. The book contains all the elements of adventure stories, coming of age, monsters, magic, sports, and miracles. Its like a snickers bar. Everyone loves chocolate, caramel, peanuts and nougat. Put them all together and you have one tasty concoction. There is also, for the first time, a magical town introduced called Hogsmade. According to the book, its the only all-magical town in Britain. Starting in the third year, the students are allowed to travel there, which is only a few miles away, on scheduled visits. CHARACTERS: Ron Weasley is the best friend of Harry Potter. His self esteem is as erratic as the stock market. Unlike Harry, he has no financial means. His father is a member of the Ministry of Magic and his family is backed by generations of pure blooded wizards, but Ron is often picked on by Malfoy for wearing tattered robes, for living in an old house, and for not having a rich father. Ron is deeply loyal to the people he loves as is evident in this book when he simply refuses to speak to Hermione for turning Harrys new broomstick into Professor McGonagall. He and Harry are inseparable. Ron tends to be perceived as a sidekick to Harry, which is not true at all. Ron feels valued by Harry and doesnt seem to mind this that much, but sometimes he seems to feel pushed to the side. He is adventurous and sometimes mischievous but usually with good intentions. In at nutshell, Hermione Granger is a know-it-all who is never shy to voice her opinion. In the same way that Harry represents courage and Ron represents loyalty, Hermione represents the only brain the trio seems to have. I honestly wonder what they would do without her. They always rely on her expert spell knowledge and quick thinking. Hermione was born to a muggle family, but she is the top student in her class. Her muggle blood makes hear a favorite target for the antagonist of the trio, Draco Malfoy. Although she disapproves of Ron and Harrys behavior (sometimes), she stands by them. When in doubt, she turns to books. She is a type of person that believes a book has the answer to almost any problem. In the book, shes stressed by work constant conflicting with Ron, so several times she snaps and lets loose of the rule breaking demon inside of her, once hitting Malfoy, and another time walking out on Divination class when the professor insulted her. It is her magic hourglass, called the time turner that allows her to go back in time to take extra classes, and helps her and Harry save Sirius and Buckbeak. Harry Potter is the thirteen-year-old protagonist of the story and the entire series. He is famous in the wizard community for being the boy who lived. When he was one year old, the most powerful dark wizard Lord Voldermort tried to kill him but the curse rebounded upon him and he nearly died. As a result of the curse rebounding back at Voldermort, Harry was left with a small lightening shaped scar on his forehead. Harry doesnt remember these events, and because was orphaned by Voldemorts attack, he lives with his aunt, uncle, and cousin. His relatives do not tolerate any mention of magic in the house. They call it the M word. He was raised just short of constant abuse. He is humble and doesnt like to take credit for accomplishments so he stays away from special treatment and praise. He wants to live a normal life in the wizarding world. He always succeeds in his quests through a mix of skill and help from his friends and then some more help from his friends. Harry runs into Sirius Black because he entered the Whomping Willow in attempt to rescue his best friend Ron. Harry would do anything for his friends Ron and Hermione. Even though he is not the most powerful wizard, or the most skilled wizard, Harry bests more experienced and more talented wizards because he is brave, quick, and resourceful. THEMES: There are many themes in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The author J.K. Rowling is very good with putting meaning behind her words. Some of it is subtle and some of it is easily noticeable. One of the themes that I noticed is that nothing may seem what it is, that everything has another side or is two-faced. This is evident in multiple instances. We first see it when the Defense against the Dark Arts Teacher, Professor Lupin, who spends much of his time being good professor that all the Gryffindors like, and then another part as a being werewolf. We now can concur that everything is capable of having another side. We see it once again when Sirius Black turns out to be innocent. Everyone thought he was a mass murder who killed 13 people, but he wasnt. Hermione, who normally abides by rules and follows them like the bible begins to break the rules. This one may be a stretch but Buckbeak the Hippogriffs execution was reversed through an intrusion in time with Hermiones time turner. Nothing in this story is ever what it seems like. Its such a page turner that keeps you guessing and guessing again. Everything stands in a pole position to surprise you. In  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,  every story has two sides. Its like the Schrà ¶dingers cat thought experiment for Quantam Physics. We have to believe that the cat is both alive and dead at the same time. Its the same way with this book. We have to believe that both possibilities can happen. POINT OF VIEW: The point of view for the entire book is third person limited. Third person limited point of view is essentially living through only one character, usually the main character. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the character you live through is, you guessed it, Harry Potter. We get a sense of Harrys thoughts and senses constantly. We always not what he is thinking and feeling. In this book, we never stray from Harrys mind. Every single part of the book we read through Harrys, eyes, ears, smell, touch, tastes, and thoughts.

Essay --

Currently in international market and domestic market, there are two types of the purchasing methods purchaser uses. One method for the buying the products from the market is â€Å"spot market buying† and the second method of buying the products is with â€Å"future contract†. The on the spot method is also called â€Å"cash market† or â€Å"physical market†, where the products, currencies or commodities sold for cash and delivers the products immediately or within short period of time. For example, â€Å"oil, grains, silver, beef, sugar, natural gas, milk, and gold are done through the spot market, where the prices are the set by open market and the transfer of cash and goods takes place immediately†, and deliver as requested date in the future or within short period of time. The spot market is an instantaneous exchange for the current list or spot price for a particular commodity. With the integration of internet technology, the spot market has be come even more efficient and useful especially in the energy industry. If energy companies have large surpluses of energy, the internet can give them a chance to find buyers in current need almost immediately. Though the spot market is good for company I need â€Å"right now†, its drawback is the fluctuating prices that can cause chaos when calculating the logistics over the long term. There are several pros and cons of on spot buying, such as; it conducts the market research and supplier identification quickly in new market. Also, it provides easy access for lower value purchases. Moreover, it improves the sourcing productivity; as well as alleviates the capacity issues that enhance the productivity of plant and category buyers. Also, it provides easy platform ability for market tests across geographies Though apro... ...vent of the futures contract negotiated by Calpine, it did not fulfill the need for sodium hypochlorite, which implementing the spot market as a way to assure the efficiency of operations that would be the decision most logically made. If Calpine’s buyers or sellers know that they will be buying certain chemical in future, and selling certain number of products or energy, then they should consider taking a long term future contract for purchasing, and short tern future contract for selling the products which hedge its positions in market. So, operations ramp up, more energy needs to be supplied for the increased demand that was not accounted for in the purchase of the particular chemical Calpine ordered. Supply of the chemical dwindles and it up to the men and women at Calpine to search the spot market to find a company with a surplus looking to sell â€Å"on the spot.†