Saturday, October 19, 2019

No topic Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

No topic - Personal Statement Example Lastly, I was a cheerleader for our voluntary team especially in various communal activities aimed at dealing with poor dental clinical health matters. Being a patient is very disastrous. I have encountered this ever since I was ten years of age. Dental infections caught my intellectual attention back then and still do to-date. Firstly, pain caused by dental infections distracts various activities of individual patients. Secondly, being a dental patient damages a patients’ self-image. These individuals may not openly interact with others because of bad breath or colored teeth, which easily distort self-image. Concisely, as an aspiring dentist since when I was ten years old, I began by helping my uncle sterilize used blankets for new patients. Yes, this may sound uncultured or uncouth way of handling patients clinically, but in Cuba, everything is a waste. Most blankets in this country are passed to several generations. This left us the mission of clinically and cautiously cleaning these blankets to remove the adhesive and molar bands. My reasons for wanting to undertake clinical dentistry course: Healthcare professionalism in the current world has emerged to be one of the well-paying fields of professionalism. Dentistry, as a part of healthcare professionalism in the contemporary society, gives individual professionals a wider view of the clinical care system in a more evidence-based way throughout the world. I was a bit hesitant because of the mess I left behind after helping my uncle in his dentist staff. Additionally, the Cuban employment domain was not motivating at all. Most professionals back then were paid meagre salaries. This killed my dream of becoming a dentist. My parents resorted into changing my career aspirations from becoming a dentist to being a mere artist. This was my worst nightmare so far. As an artist, my parents believed that my life would be better some days in the future.

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