Sunday, October 6, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Integrated Marketing Communication - Case Study Example The present research has identified that along with the internal marketing, the integrated marketing communication is also one of the important concepts because it is only with the help of the integrated marketing communication that how and why the product becomes more important and how the customers are influenced to buy that particular product. Integrated marketing communication is the most important process and with the help of which any brand can gain success and can gain popularity too. Gaining success is the most important for any company. According to the American Marketing Association, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is termed as a planning process which is designed to assure that all the brands which are created are according to the needs and demands of customers. (IMC) integrated marketing communication is termed as a holistic approach to the marketing level. Along with this, the concept of integrated marketing communication also consists of the offline and online marketing channels. Online marketing channels basically consist of different kinds of e-marketing programs or campaigns, from the different level of search engine optimization, different kinds of the email banners and also the pay per click programs. Whereas on the other hand, the offline marketing channels are one of the main examples of the traditional prints like newspaper or magazines. These above-mentioned marketing channels are the main source for any kind of company in order to provide such working environment where people can work easily and can generate better results. Marketing channels basically provide the target through which any company can identify its customers in order to achieve their targeted goals. It is all because of the marketing channels that how the company is working and how their products are becoming more popular among people. When a company launches any product, only half of the work is done and almost half is left. The work which is left is the main and one of the most important works that are how to make this produced product popular among people. People can only know about any product with the help of marketing. When the marketing is done for that product only then everyone will know that what exactly the product is and what it actually means. There are several kinds of strategies which are related to (IMC) integrated marketing communication in order to develop into a primary and the most important tool for the market: - Media advertising towards the multiple kinds of communication. - Mass media towards the most specialized media also known as niche media. - Manufacturer dominating market towards a retailer dominating a market. - General kind of the focus advertisings towards the data based marketing. All the above-mentioned strategies are very much important in the area of integrated marketing communication as it plays an important role because if there are no strategies company can gain no profit and therefore in the result, i t will suffer loss. Nowadays integrated marketing communication has become a wide perspective which is now also done via internet. Now everything can be done via internet and via networking.

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