Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Ethics of Stem Cell Research Essay -- Ethics

While some people might say that stem cell research is immoral and unethical, others believe that it is a magical solution for almost any problem, thus leading to a very controversial issue. Scientists have been searching for years for ways to eradicate incurable diseases and perform other medical procedures that yesterday's technology would not fix. With the rapidly arising, positive research on stem cell technology, the potential that exists to restore any deficiency is in the same way, likely to destroy humanity. America is suffering from its inability to choose who holds precedence over this issue. Too many of us find it impossible to reach a basis for which our differing opinions can be shared and formed into a universal and comprehensive understanding. Although stem cell research is portrayed as being a means, it can also be viewed as an ends for those who suffer today, and for those in the future who will be exposed to this suffering. As the latest research on stem cells has been presented, the message that is inferred is that the public should remain out of the spotlight because they are not clever enough to know what is beneficial to them. As one scientist claims, stem cell research is "Hope for the helpless! Science as savior" (qtd. in Peters and Bennett 184). The belief of science as "savior" has become so intense and desired by these researchers, that "faith in this research has come to resemble a secular religion...and as a bellow to blow the political winds in their favor" (qtd. in Peters and Bennett). But one may argue that the derivation of cells from a human embryo is against their conservative beliefs, and that that embryo is a living person who has rights that protect its dignity. In addition... ...s promises dramatic medical benefits, it treats future problems as ends for which supporting research today becomes a means for relieving those sufferings. Allowing medical technologies to continue will be the only tool for accomplishing this. Works Cited Bennett, Gaymon Jr., Peters, Ted. "Stem Cell Research and the Claim of the Other in the Human Subject." A Journal of Theology 43.3 (2004): 184-202. Holland, Suzanne, Lebacqz, Karen, & Zoloth, Laurie. The Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debate: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy. 3 Vols. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2001. Jones, D G., Towns C R. "Stem Cells, Embryos, and the Environment: A Context for Both Science and Ethics." Journal of Medical Ethics 30.4 (2004): 410-13. Siegel, Andrew W. "Temporal Restrictions and the Impulse on Human Embryonic Stem-Cell Research." Lancet 363.9429 (2004): 215-18.

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