Saturday, August 31, 2019

Jurisprudence Assignment Essay

Answer the following questions by referring to the Nurse Practice Act from the Texas Board of Nurse’s website (www.bon. & (www.tpapn,org) and other relevant source. Answers must be in APA format.(Question & Anwer). APA format means writing down the listed questions, using complete sentences, correct spelling, grammar & punctuation. In addition, a reference page & source(s) of information citations are required. (6 points) Q1 What is Impaired Nursing Practice? (5 points) Q2.Which group of nurses are most at risk? (8 points) Q3. What are the contributing factors that lead to chemical dependency in the nursing population? (8 points) Q4.List the warning signs of chemical dependency/abuse in the nurse? (8 points) Q5.Who does the nurse first report to when she/he finds a nurse impaired due to chemical dependency and/or mental illness? (5 points) Q6.What is the Board of Nurse’s responsibility following such report when an impaired nurse is in violation? (8 points) Q7.What are the methods of discipline imposed by the BON for intemperate use of alcohol or drugs or mental incompetency? (10 points) Q8. State the mission of Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses. (8 points) Q9. What are the functions of Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses? (8 points) Q10. List the guidelines the Board of Nurses by rule 301.4106 developed that the Peer Assistance Program must comply with. (8 points) Q11.Identify what would constitute grounds for disciplinary action for possible violation of the NPA 301.452 and Standard of Nursing Practice? (10 points) Q12. Discuss briefly your opinion on violation by a nurse of the NPA due to use/abuse of a chemical, drug or mental illness. (8 points)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Wegmans Swot Analysis

Wegmans Strength Wegmans is not only strong in its presence for exciting shopper's eyes with its great food emporium, but also a company that shows that they care a lot about their employees. It recently early the title of being one of the top Fortune 100 companies to work for due to its great assistance programs and employee benefits. From overseas training in wine, cheese, etc, for department managers to scholarships for their young people.These also apply to the way they serve customers. Other perks received while working for Wegmans include job sharing, compressed workweeks, and telecommuting; thus, offering more flexibility in employee lifestyles. The lesser publicized strengths are their demographic research to build in the right locations,a strong Store Brands program, and their health & wellness initiatives.Wegmans also has a strong and efficient supply chain system, in which it uses the â€Å"farm to market† system thus reducing the company’s inventory holding costs and getting the produce into the stores as quickly as possible. Weakness Still a large amount of people have a preconceived notion that Wegman's prices are consistently higher than those of other chains. Knowing this, Wegmans tried hard to overcome this for the last 10 ten years to acheive the â€Å"everyday low price† seal in many of its high volume products.A strong private label program has accelerated Wegman's effort to keep the prices to low; however, this has ignited an outcry from manufacturers and suppliers who compete for shelf space and claim Wegmans’ house brand is overextended in some areas; thus, causing frustration among customers about the lack of a national brand options. Other internal challenges that Wegmans need to overcome is its pricing policy and margin requirements that creates strained relationship with vendors OpportunityWegmans see an increaseing market potential to meet the growing demand for organics and health food products. The incre ase in square feet of its â€Å"Nature market place† section reflects Wegman's nimble efforts to become the food emporium showcasing the hottest natural food trends in the industry. Another large Wegmans opportunity is business expansion in the U. S, since it still regionally compact and limited to 75 units in the Mid-atlantic and the Northeast coast. Threat There is increasing competition from two fronts: high-end (Whole Foods) and price competitive (Wal-Mart, and Aldi).Giant Foods is also a regional competitor that is currently doing a complete renovation of its stores. Other external threats include an economic downturn that affect core shopper spending habits. With the increasing trend towards convenience, ecommerce giants such as Amazon is also a big contender in competing consumer spending. In this highly competitive low margin grocery industry, Wegmans need to understand their core competencies and focus on what they deliver best: high customer service, strong store br and program, and exciting dining and shopping experience.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Online Reservation and Information System Essay

Today people are living in a society which is called a technologically civilized society. Ultimately, the researchers can say that, â€Å"living without technology is like living without air† in this technical world of today. Most people are using Internet to easily search what they need especially information. The Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. With the advancement in technology, the researchers decided to develop an Online Reservation and Information System for Fortune Seafood Restaurant. The Fortune Seafood Restaurant is a well known fine-dining restaurant in Pampanga. It is located strategically in between the heart of City of San Fernando and Olongapo-Gapan Road, Pampanga. Fortune Seafood Restaurant is one of the upscale Chinese restaurants in Pampanga. It serves prominent personalities and provides venue for important events. The restaurant accepts reservation fo r various events such as wedding, birthday and others. The company is using manual process when it comes to managing reservation. The customer must go to the restaurant in order to make a reservation. It causes hassle for the customer to go to the venue to just inquire for the reservation information and make a reservation. Sometimes the customers are being disappointed since the date and time that they like to reserve is not available and already occupied by other event. The company promotes and advertises the restaurant using fliers and tarpaulin. The process of the restaurant in requesting feedback to the customers is only verbally by asking them about the food. The Online Reservation and Information System for Fortune Seafood Restaurant is a system that will provide information about the company like the different dishes they serve including the prices, promos, and services that they offer. With this feature the company will be promoted well. It also has photo sharing and allows creation of blogs for the customer to express their thoughts about the food and services or their â€Å"Fortune† experiences. It includes a reservation system that supports the customers who want to make a reservation for occasions like birthday, family reunion, wedding and even a special date. The system shows all the schedule of the events so that the  customer will know if the date and time that they plan to reserve is available or not. It also has a feedback form which may contain discussion of the opinion or suggestion of the customer about the company. Review of Related Literature The following reviews are discussed to support the reasons why the problem exists. It serves as the researcher’s basis in conducting the study. In the book Restaurant and Cafeteria Management Service (2010), the very first restaurant in the world was opened in Paris in 1765. A tavern keeper, Monsieur Boulanger, served a single dish sheep’s feet simmered in a white sauce. The world restaurant is derived from the French word â€Å"restorer† meaning to â€Å"restore†. The first restaurant the dining rooms of the inns and as towns, cities, grew in population, several eating places were established serving lunch and dinner at fixed price. Boulanger’s business was different from other food businesses, like cafes and inns, because Boulanger’s business was centered on food, not alcohol (like taverns) or coffee and tea (like cafes). Customers came to Boulanger’s establishment primarily to eat, and this was a novelty in the late 18th Century, wh ere the population ate their meals at home or, if they were away from home overnight on business, at an inn. In French, the word restorative is restaurant. A local food guild (a union monopoly) sued Boulanger in court for infringing on its monopoly on the sale of cooked foods, but Boulanger won and was allowed to continue. This victory led to the rapid spread of these new restaurants across France. The researchers included this review to be familiar with the first restaurant in the world, in distinguishing when and where it started, what the processes of a restaurant are, and how it became successful. In the book entitled Basic Restaurant Service (2007), Restaurant Service demands an extensive knowledge of international cooking, of beverages and bar services. The wait staff or Restaurant Service Staff are most important contact persons in attending to the guests. It is therefore necessary to have a complete command of serving rules and to know the preparation of special dishes and drinks at the guests table. The wait staff or Restaurant Service Staff, seat the guests, take table orders correctly, prepare special tasks at the table side, serve food and beverages and present the bill and send the guests off. They are the central figures  who create a good impression of restaurant by warmly welcoming gu ests, ensuring that service is prompt and courteous and that the meal meets expectations. These qualities and professional competitiveness, practical work and theoretical knowledge are deemed necessary to carry out job. The researchers included this to know and discuss the importance of effective restaurant service staff since they are one of the keys to the success of the company. In implementing the proposed system the staff who will be assigned must be good technically to easily learn the system and to avoid facing difficulties in operating the system. According to the book Food Service Management in the Philippines (2009), Engracia â€Å"Aling Aciang† Cruz-Reyes, the matriarch founder of Aristocrat Restaurant, discussed that she believes that to find the customers, one has to go where the people are and find ways to keep them coming back. She opened a rolling store in Luneta Park an accomodating thousand of people at one time. She prepared Filipino dishes like arroz caldo, and pancit that were freshly prepared in front of the customers. Later on, to meet the changing needs of the customers she added to her line of menu items a selection of sandwiches and softdrinks. People kept coming bac k for their comfort food from Aling Aciang. Before World war II Mrs. Reyes sought out new market opportunities by locating her food business in a prime property at the Dewey Blvd, Manila. Today, the Aristocrat Restaurant has more than ten additional branches in different location all over the country. The researchers include this review for the reason that it discussed, â€Å"to find the customers, one has to go where the people are and find ways to keep them coming back†. By analyzing the quotation, nowadays many people are using Internet. The proposed system will be where people are to acquire a lot of customers and easily interact with them. In the proposed system the customer also has the privilege to make a blog and share photos so that they can share their Fortune experiences. The researchers provide the blog in finding ways to keep the customer back. The book entitled Fundamentals of Food Service Management (2009) said that, Foodservice is becoming a way of family entertainment and a source of family income for those who are engaged in food service operation. The growing number of people patronizing restaurant, cafeteria and fast food center defends largely on these for their food intake, in schools, for example, many students depend on the school food service for th eir lunch and stocks. As such better and more nutritious foods should be offered in these food services. Based on the book Food Service Management in the Philippines (2009), one of the successful company in the Philippines is the Barrio Fiesta. It is novelty and good taste are the primary reasons that keep Barrio Fiesta afloat in local food business. The restaurant was established in 1960 when Mr. Rod Ongpauco’s recipe on pig’s feet, better known as crispy pata, became sucessful. Being the first to offer the special menu item, customers flocked in and its sales rose from 20 persons per table to 300 persons per table. It is the first to feature the singing cooks and waiters to entertain guests while they are dining. A unique manner of incorporating local customs with foodservice professional setup is considered an excellent marketing strategy. From mentioned that â€Å" the chain restaurants, specially the Barrio Fiesta chain, are sucessful because of aggressive advertising, affordable price s compared to upscale restaurant and availability and accessibility. In this book, the researchers acquired knowledge about the system in restaurant and how to make it successful. One of the important aspects in a restaurant is the food service. The restaurant must have unique strategies in providing service that is why the researchers decided to develop an Online Reservation System for Fortune Seafood Restaurant. In the book Restaurant Service Basics 2nd edition (Sondra J. Dahmer and Kurt W. Kahl, 2008) Restaurant Reservation and Table Management Software has the functionality to track reservation as well as control seating and optimize server performance. It can centralize the dining reservation process, eliminate over bookings, or maximize table utilization with walk-in and wait list functionality. Reservation can be entered and modified guest phone numbers, email, mailing addresses, and preferences ca be captured. Table management software has a display of currently available and occupied tables. This system provides the host with the status of occupied tables and the approximate time when each table will again be open to seating. It can also show reserved and confirmed tables, tables to be joined by more guests in a par ty, tables needing to be cleaned, tables approaching or exceeding assigned departure times, and tables that are not to be utilized. From this information, waiting guests can be quoted realistic wait times, and servers can be given new parties of guests can be quoted realistic wait times, and servers can be given new parties of guests at a manageable pace in their  situations. Guests can even make their own reservation online over the restaurants Web site. The host can then send the guests an email confirming the reservation they made. The researchers included the literature above to know better the processes of different restaurants. The Restaurant Reservation and Table Management Software is very useful and lessens the effort in operating a restaurant. In this review the researchers obtain some ideas of the features that can be adopted for the proposed system. The book Quick Books for the Restaurant (Stephanie Murphy and Alisa Robertson Neunerker, 2010) discuss the importance of the Accounting Process to the Restaurant Manager, it is imperative for successful restaurant operators to understand financial report s, use the information to enable better decisions and take ownership of the financial performance of the operation. Restaurant operators focus on menu items, controlling costs, customer attraction and retention, supplier relationship, and employee relations issues. Each of these challenges, and a restaurant operators response to the, is affected by or has an impact on the financial structure of the business. Menu items drive inventory cost; the restaurant affects the rent or lease expenses of the operation; and turnover drivers recruiting and training costs. Restaurants operators can be overwhelmed by the complexity and details of finance, and as a result they do not give this critical issue the time and attention it deserves and requires. Business operators may focus on things they know best and ignore things with which they are less familiar. An easy to use, accurate, and current set of financial and operational reports form Quick Books will enable a restaurant operator to confidently adopt the universal language of an accounting. It can turn the mystery and overwhelming process of accounting and financial reporting into the most valuable resource for the restaurant. The review above is included by the researchers for the reason that accounti ng in a restaurant is very important and the financial report or transaction must be secured. In the proposed system the researchers make sure that it secures all the transactions especially in reservation. In the book entitled â€Å"How to Improve Dining Room Service†, Richard Saporito stated that for more than 20 years now, he is a restaurant consultant for a variety of profitable establishments. As a noted author and keynote speaker, he helped hundreds of operations around the world ranging from small independent start-ups to large scale corporate  operations with seating capacities of over 1500. In that time, he became part of some extremely successful restaurants, but also witnessed many that struggled unnecessarily. In his experience, the primary factor that separates successful restaurants from those that struggle is the level of service that is provided to the customer. He make sure, the location, menu and marketing play a part, but the most successful restaurants all have one thing in common. They provide customer service which exceeds their customer’s expectations! In the website Just Be Nice (J.B.N) 2009, it is stated that word of mouth is the most effective promotional method. So if your restaurant is nice, the food is good and the wait staffs are friendly and efficient, people will tell their friends. And their friends will tell their friends a nd the list goes on and on. The most effective way is on special occasion like birthdays, anniversaries and so on. According to the book entitled â€Å"A Modern Approach to Restaurant Profitability† by Lloyd M. Gordon, The Restaurant Industry is still growing in gross revenue for the twelfth straight year; first reason is that the numbers of operating facilities are increasing annually. Another factor is that each restaurant enterprise is succeeding in upgrading its revenues from the previous year. As a part of this Industry trend, you are shown how to receive your healthy share of the Industry’s rewards as you become alert to serving and satisfying patrons with the foods, beverages, service, ambiance, and hospitality they require. The researchers include the reviews to be familiarized with some restaurant techniques in terms of serving people. The company must provide customer services which go beyond their customers’ expectations, satisfying customers, and must have effective promotional method. The following studies are written work and concepts adopted by the researchers. These reviews will also help acquaint the readers with the details of arrangement among the previous studies, as well the relation of each to the present study. A study entitled â€Å"Philippines Empowers Guests through Direct Online Reservation via Own Website in Egi Club in Cebu†, reserving rooms at EGI Club in Mactan Island has just been made easier and more convenient with an  innovative booking system that was recently launched on the resort’s website ( Club Cebu Resort’s new reservation system shows potential guests two weeks’ worth of real-time room availability matched with the lowest possible rates. This feature allows selection of accommodations based on tastes, and more importantly, budget. A 10% deposit payment, which is deducted from the total room charge, ensures the availability of the chosen room type upon the guest’s arrival at the hotel. An automatic e-mail is immediately sent after the transaction to serve as confirmation. For clarifications and concerns, a reliable customer service team is ready to address reservation issues, including modification of bookings.EGI Club Cebu Resort can be found in Lapu-Lapu City, which is a first class highly-urbanized city in the province of Cebu. The resort hotel is well known for its hospitality and high customer satisfaction brought about by its dedicated hotel staff. It is the perfect getaway because of its myriad of amenities that offer relaxation and rejuvenation. Guests may choose from a total of 120 guest rooms, which all have Internet access and comes with a double bed, IDD phone, mini-bar, and refrigerator. For sports enthusiasts, beach volleyball, jet skiing, diving and other water sports may be enjoyed at Mactan Beach. The company, through its innovative technology, helps accommodation providers maximize the business potential and performance of their websites. In the study entitled â€Å"An Online Hotel Reservation of Palazzo de Laoag† conducted by Rajzle G. Ingles of St. Paul University, Tuguegarao City, a system that will help the hotel to automatically make a reservation online is developed. The system is shown superiority in the aspects of usefulness and functionality for the following reasons: the design has been tailored-made according to the identified needs of the personnel; among its standard features are used of access keys and shortcuts that endow the system with an ease of handling and user-friendliness; structured rather than hard-coded programming was used; the system boast of error-free that can be relief to effectively handle and process data and generate reports for the customers and personnel’s. The graphical user interface is both appealing and friendly. There is a unity and consistency in the grouping of functions and objects. A screen design simulates windows application and  overall is pleasant and shows the virtue of taste in special effects. Benefiting the staff and personnel of Palazzo de Laoag Hotel as a whole, it also stands to benefits the customers who take reservations. Reservation was simplified and personnel and customer do not have to work hard for making the reservation. Repetitive routines are eliminated and customers do not have to go to the hotel. There is no question as to the acceptability of the system. For one, Palazzo de Laoag Hotel has long depended on the manual system in its reservation routines. This system offers superior alternative that makes for ease, efficiency as well accuracy. Bayani et al. (2011) in a study Computerized Table Reservation and Billing System for Kenny Rogers’s Roasters SM Pampanga discussed that the purpose of their study is to provide more efficient and helpful process of reservation and billing for Kenny Rogers’s Roasters SM Pampanga branch. This system concerning computation of bills can help KRR to easily compute bills for their customers in just a few minutes rather that computing it manually. It is easy to use because it will not require manual counting of the number of tables occupied or reserved. It can generate reports of the previous bills and customer information. The system will provide the manager of Kenny Rogers Roasters the authority to see the complete records of their customers and what they availed. It has a search feature integrated to make the process of checking faster and to check if a customer has an existing account. The study covers the development of a table reservation and billing system for Kenny Ro gers Roasters SM City Pampanga. The system of table reservation and billing is composed of two users the guest and administrator. The administrator account has the privilege of verifying, accepting or rejecting and saving the records of the customers. The employee with this type of account is the manager. Reservation through phone call will not be acceptable if the customer is not regular customer, the customer should be a member or it has an existing account. The system will prompt the user when and what time is the arrival of their customer and what table has been booked A 2011 study by Angeles et al. which is a Computer Based System for Function Hall and Catering Reservation for St. Paul Reception Garden is concerned primarily with the process of function hall and catering reservation through computer, recording of data and providing the billing  statement for the clients. This study will provide security of data through the use of username and password and can only be operated by the legal employees. Using the system will only take a few clicks to add, save, edit and retrieve the client’s information and show the billing statement afterwards. The study can also print receipts and quotations. It is also monitors the re servation of the customer by the use of sorting by date. At the end of the reservation transaction, the system provides an official receipt for the customer. The system does not support any discount cards or any credit cards. An Online Reservation System for Cattleya Garden Villas study conducted by Alfonso (2012) is a system that provides an effective online reservation system that will benefit the Cattleya Garden Villas employees and customers, educationally, economically and technologically. The study will greatly help the owner and employees, to make the procedure more streamline thus creating a hassle free and time efficient reservation process. The website will also boost online presence of Cattleya Garden Villas, making its marketing grasp larger network that what it is now.It aims to improve the Villa’s relationship to its customer by means of having a system which is more focus on their reservation needs. The system’s importance, effectiveness and speed of the processing to accommodate the customer request will save time. It will give more opportunity to serve other customers through the help of the system the clients and employees can easily interact with each other. Through the use of the system, Cattleya Garden Villas will save much time, effort and resources such as papers, registration form and portfolios in processing guest’s reservations. It will provide a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that will handle the customer inquiry and manage the 24/7 operations. The system administrator can add, edit or change username and password and his personal information. The administrator is the one responsible for adding of new rooms, changing the room status, updating room availability and approval or cancellation of reservations. The various studies above are included by the researchers for the reason that the studies will help in identifying the requirements in the proposed system. The researchers can alter the system by comparing it to the previous study and can adopt similar features that will fit in the needs of the Fortune Seafood Restaurant. According to an article entitled â€Å"Learn How to Build a Profitable Business Online†, Mr. Ken Hubener, the writer of the  article said that â€Å"starting and operating an internet business is surprisingly similar to operating any other business. Good business practices, like building the confidence of customers through truthful advertising, providing products and services at a fair price, and developing long-term business relationships are as applicable to the Internet business as they are to any other businesses†. An increasing number are building their own websites to allow them to market their business and it has been very effective and successful to use Internet as their source of income with businesses and to try to go where the people are. The researchers include this study to differentiate an d distinguish that there is more effective way in promoting the company. The manual process of advertising the Fortune Restaurant is only in fliers and tarpaulin that is why the researchers will develop an online system to promote it on the web. In the article entitled â€Å"Online Hotel Reservation on Kerala Tourism Website, a Big Hit†, the 1888 PressRelease said that â€Å"The online accommodation reservation system offers travelers a wide range of choices from five-star hotels to home stays in remote corners of the State. With this facility, rooms can be booked online any time by visiting The booking can be done by using major credit cards, debit cards, net banking and other facilities like Pay Pal. The specialty of the online reservation platform is that the payment made for reservation goes directly to the account of the property owner.† Based in the article entitled, â€Å"The Suites Niagara Falls† it requested assistance for new hotel website which will launch the site within days to high exposure in the top search engines. Consequently, the management was extremely pleased and requested details of other services. They spoke their challenge managing inventory and reservations, in tracking campaigns and in promoting to past guest. Today, the embassy Suites Niagara Falls provides online reservations, reservation tracking and mass mailing services. These three key services arouse from the development of three products that have been designed to complement each othe r to meet the online goals of compatible tourism entities. It has two parts: the admin (back-end) area where staff controls rates, availability packages and the public (front-end) area where content is projected and reservations are made. In admin dashboard screens, staffs have ability to create and control room types, rates, availability, taxes, automated messages, packages and reservation  enhancers. Whether a regular room booking or package selection, the system displays content from the admin area in real-time, enabling guests to book rooms with ease. At the time of a reservation, the system takes the guest through the booking process: selection of room type, package costs and details, contact and payment information. After all details are stored in, for processing, dual confirmation/notification messages are sent to both guests and hotel staff. According to a Corporate Reservation System (CRS) an independent agency that books approximately 100,000 hotels room each year on behalf of its corporate clients. CRS pre-negotiates special rates with some 15,000 hotels worldwide, offers these discontented rates to their clients than organizes all the bookings and the paperwork. CRS do not change for this service but ins tead receives a commission from the hotels. In addition to accommodation they also organize conferences and special events. CRS was using an old DOS FoxPro system to take bookings. This performed well in the past is now creaking at the seams and needs to be replaced with a new Windows system designed to handle the increased needs of the now larger and more sophisticated organization. The overall brief was to develop a more efficient Windows based replacement to take hotel bookings, conference bookings and to organize special events. The article â€Å"A Study of Airlines’ Online Reservation Services†, stated reports on a study about examining airlines’ Web-based online reservation services. Thirty airlines from three regions (North America, Europe and Middle East, and Asia and Australia) were assessed to determine whether there were any significant differences between the three regions, in terms of the Web site attributes and services provided to travelers. In this research, the attributes selected for examination included (1) components of online reservation services, (2) provision of extra benefits, (3) factors affecting reservation time, and (4) provision of additional services/facilities. Empirical results indicated that some airlines did not provide all components in the chosen attributes and that airlines in these three regions differed significantly in certain dimensions of the chosen attributes. In particular, airlines in North America were found to have the most comprehensive Web-based reservation services. The studies are included by the researchers to have more knowledge about different online reservation systems and prove that online reservation is very effective. Having websites will allow marketing of the business online  and it has been very valuable and successful to use Internet as a source of income with businesses.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Institutions paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Institutions paper - Essay Example al., 20). The Senate and the House of Committees functions start with checking on 10,000 bills every year. These bills are the proposals that later become new laws. Out of the 10,000 bills, only 650 bills pass to become laws. The Senate and the House of Committees always execute this process in one building but they meet in separate venues (Plesser 33). Both the Senate and House of Representatives have special committees to scrutinize the bills in ensuring that they are studied carefully. Each committee analyzes a bill with a particular topic, say, farming, taxes or environment. If the committee finds that the bill is good, they present it to the House or Senate. Subsequently, if the committee approves the bill, they will pass it to the president to sign it (Jenkins 27). The Congress is also responsible for setting up the structure of the Department of Homeland Security. Still, it pays the military forces and chooses the states to add to the Union. The Congress as well takes an investigative role and assesses the executive’s operations. Besides, the Senate also works together with the presidency to appoint the officials in the executive branch as well as high-ranking judges. The representation of the people is evident in the House of Representatives since it bases on population. However, the Senate has a discriminatory quality by having only two senators from each state. Nevertheless, there has been great electoral popularity in the Senate after the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913 (Greenberg & Benjamin 13). In ensuring the effectiveness of the Federal government, the presidency also plays numerous roles. To begin with, the president of America is the chief executive according to the constitution. The president is the supervisor in the executive; he appoints the officials and also ensures full implementation of everything that happens in

Law of International Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Law of International Trade - Essay Example The background of the case is as follows: Ythan limited or 'Ythan' as called here are ship owners who claimed damages through this case against bills of holder Primetrade after the ship/vessel was lost. The loss of the vessel has been allegedly due to shipping of dangerous cargo that is a breach or violation of contract signed by the lading holders Primetrade against a dangerous cargo warranty. The vessel was chartered under contract of affreightment by Primetrade to charterers Phoenix Bulk Carriers Ltd referred as Phoenix and thus two sets of bills were issued via contractual incorporation. The cargo was shipped by Orinoco Iron CA also known as Orinoco and they agreed to sell the cargo to Primetrade. Primetrade sold the cargo to Orient Prosperity or Orient in Jingtang China. The cargo was insured through insurance brokers Marsh and McLennan group (Marsh) and was financed through bankers UBS with a credit agreement governed by Swiss law. Orinoco then presented shipping documents to bank for payment and the bank forwarded the documents to UBS. The vessel however was lost at this point and Primetrade and Orient agreed to cancel the on-sale contract and letters of credit and Primetrade sought to make a claim on insurance policy for loss of cargo. The loss of vessel occurred as on February 28, 2004 a disastrous explosion occurred on board the bulk carrier or vessel the Ythan which resulted in death of crew and the cargo of 33, 760 MT was also completely lost. It was shipped from Venezuela for discharge at Jingtang Port, China. The shippers were Orinoco and they were to sell to Primetrade, a Swiss company and they wanted to sell the same quantity of the commodity to Orient Prosperity to China, so the contract showed end user in China. There was a settlement that Primetrade would be paid with release of the bills despite discrepancies in the documents. Primetrade complied with duty of contracts, and secured rights against time limitations and placed shipowners on notice for losses and consequences of casualty. The dispute on payment of bills and claim for losses were referred before arbitrators in London judiciary. The arbitration held that Primetrade were holders of the bills for a short time until the insurance claim was paid . Primetrade made a claim due to threat of arrest and also appealed to the decision of arbitrators bringing forth new evidence and objections for appeals. The new objection and evidence as also the question whether Primetrade was the holder of bills were as important as Primetrade's claim under contract of carriage against carrier. The explosion and loss of cargo on board made it possible for the owners to appeal under section 67 of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Has Persuasion Become a Key Function of Democratic Governments Essay

Has Persuasion Become a Key Function of Democratic Governments - Essay Example This essay stresses that a great deal of understanding of the processes of the psychology and processes of persuasion has taken place. Communication is moving from mass media to narrowcast, which is becoming increasingly possible through developments in mobile telephone, internet, wireless and interactive technology. The development of narrowcasting requires action by the individual, even something simple like opening and reading an email, and this personal involvement gets them involved in the frame being presented and therefore more likely to accept it. The use of frames and framing in message design form part of the methodology by which this is achieved. This is evidenced by the large amounts of money spent by governments on public relations firms, and the creation of special government agencies vested with the brief of framing and presenting persuasive, legally defensible messages that clearly differentiate the government’s position from that of its opponents. This paper makes a conclusion that the claim that the practice of persuasion is a key function of government and that it has changed the very nature of democracy is true. The threat to democracy occurs when the focus is on winning the elections or gaining from political power rather than maintaining the democratic form of government. Negative political persuasion has increased over the years. A set of rules to be formulated and followed strictly by the candidates alone can help restore the democratic system.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Style - Essay Example James Joyce has also zeroed in on the psychoanalysis, whereby his mind has acknowledged the streams of consciousness within his work. It is a concise example of a writer who is trying his best to make do with the intrinsic realities of a heroine as well as her endeavors to deal with the surroundings. Hypotactic Style in Eveline The social conditions of the women within Ireland are highlighted within Eveline which they faced within the latter years of the 19th century (Gordon 1995). The hypotactic style has been presented from the thoughts of the heroine as these are being depicted through her mind whilst recalling events sitting in front of a window. The story seems to be non-linear in structure. James Joyce has been able to represent the hypotactic style through his interest on character thoughts. What one can understand from the short story Eveline is the ideology that James Joyce has given his best at making people understand the nuances of thinking and how perspectives are aligne d in a way that seems fit with the hypotactic style as is surely known through the aegis of James Joyce. What one can comprehend from Eveline is the fact that it centers on the premise of different characters living within Dublin who were having issues in dealing with the time period. Eveline is the advent between adolescence and maturity.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

International Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Politics - Essay Example To this the constructivists argue that customs, culture and ideas principally determine the awareness of the world that we live in. The distinctiveness and welfare of a state can be molded by ideas and this serves to have more or less lasting effects on international relations. Conflicts emerge from fundamental and controlling outcomes of standards and shared hopes, distinctiveness, culture and social processes (Baylis & Smith, 2005). The notion of liberalism maintains that in order to determine the behavior of the state, it is important to consider the state’s preferences, and does not accept the capabilities of the state for these purposes, which differ from one state to another. They are mainly dependent on the culture, economic system and the type of the government in each state. (International relations). Proponents of the dependency theory assert that all the third – world countries are not poverty stricken. In the past, these countries had been rich, but they the colonial regime exploited and impoverished them. The powerful first-world nations compelled the third world countries to integrate into the mainstream of the world economy, which rendered their economy subservient to the insatiable needs of the colonial regimes of the first-world nations. These countries were unable to satisfy the needs of their society, due to the compulsions of their colonial masters. The wealthy and industrially developed countries dominated the global economy, and were never exploited by colonialism. (The IR Theory Knowledge Base). Functionalism deals with the functionality of organizations in terms of their purposes and tasks. Most international organizations were developed to address several problems, purposes, tasks and demands. Therefore, theorists argue that the growth of these organizations was mainly based on their responsibility to sort out these issues that could arise from time to time. The neo  ­Ã¢â‚¬â€œ functionalism

Saturday, August 24, 2019

ABC Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

ABC Application - Essay Example The inspiration of this idea was developed when I came across Speak and Translate software of Apple. With the passage of time, as I grew up the issues prevailing in different genders was one of the most controversial things. In my past relationship, understanding a woman remained was the most crucial aspect. I always desired to encode focusing on the tone and way they speak to understand what they actually mean. The idea of ABC Software developed when I was able to see several fun applications for assistance in different things. The use of the sensor to dedicate heartbeat, eye movement, hand movement, etc is possible with a Smartphone. The inducement of the science and technology has always been possible with Smartphone. The conflict between the psychology between the two genders (Male and Female) has remained to be one of the major issues in relationships. Personal inspiration to put science and technology together to create innovate way to overcome psychological gaps between male a nd female is possible through this application. The idea is inspired by several personal life events and observations have provided me a vision to develop this application. The tone detection to translate and decode the meaning is one of the major strength of the application. The unique feature of this application makes this application unique and desirable for individuals. The application can effective way to decode the actual meaning of a girlfriend and can significantly contribute to resolving the conflicts.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Explain an Evaluate the Principal Features of Adam Smith's Treatment Essay

Explain an Evaluate the Principal Features of Adam Smith's Treatment of Value and Distribution - Essay Example He agreed with government expenditure on public goods, such as, enforcement of the law, infrastructure and security. He also acknowledged what he thought to be drawbacks in development of economy, whether they were in the form of public spending or taxation except only the taxation of value of the land. He also put into consideration the relation between price and value. His conclusion was that that the cost of production is equivalent to the price of the product. He reasoned that when the quantity supplied to the market is enough to meet demand in the market and no extra, then the selling price may be said to be either near or exactly to the natural price, which is the cost of production1. He took this result as an outcome of market bargaining. Adam Smith argued that in a stable economic system and evaluation; many people would react to the enticement of earning extra specializing in their production. These people without intervention of the government they would be of significant v alue in industry and this will make the economy to be more productive and wealthy2. Adam based his argument on that by protecting specific producers will result to inefficient production and hence there will a rise in price. He asserts that when people are trading they value what they are going to buy in comparison to purchased goods’ value. ... The prices will be used to estimate and compare the value of the commodities. Adam Smith allowed for the difference of speed and skill a person has in doing a certain job. He argued that value based on demand is totally subjective. This is because some individuals will pay more amounts on a certain commodity while others will pay less on the same commodity. Smith’s analysis on value should be is considered under circumstances as one of his main purpose. He would make sure that workers were safe from being exploited by their self-interested employers who their main concern was to maximize profits, and hence paying his employees low wages. Given this situation, Adam said, the quality of output will be uniform to the labour they have used. He tried to uplift society significantly, by putting emphasis on free enterprise. He recommended that in a free market each individual is directed in making decisions by an imperceptible hand. This unseen hand guides people to formulate decisio ns that are of importance to the people and society at large without its knowledge. Every person labours so that he or she may provide revenue to the society. The person might not be intending to promote the interest of the public neither does he or she know by how much he has promoted it. The invisible hand is the one which makes the person to promote some part which was not of his objective. By chasing his personal interest he regularly improves that of the society more effectually and efficiently than when he had the intention to support it. In the theory of Adam Smith of how the economy is interrelated he shows how industries and labours function, and the way each one plays a crucial part in the production of goods in the industry3. The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Sustaining Employee Performance Paper Essay Example for Free

Sustaining Employee Performance Paper Essay Money is no longer adequate enough these days to recruit and maintain top talent for any given business organization. Offering an appealing benefits plan is just as significant. Today’s economy is up and down throughout the US, and reducing employee benefits is frequently the easiest thing employers can to do to conserve money. Competitive businesses with benefits programs will be capable to entice employees away particularly if that organization does not make available the most important programs like health care and disability insurance. Beside the simple morale reasons for retaining employee benefits, there are some additional reasons to be mindful of including: Tax Credits – Expenses that can help a business at tax time would be a business who provides healthcare plans that include dental or company-paid premium life insurance plans. Furthermore, for the employees, many healthcare plans are pre-tax programs. This means the employee’s portion of the premium is subtracted then the federal and state taxes are withdrawn based on a subtotal. Retirement Credits – Depending upon the retirement plan, an employer and employee can reap tax credit rewards. It is important to seek out a qualified tax expert on the most beneficial retirement program to initiate. Employee Packages – When hiring employees salaried or hourly, he or she may not be thrilled or content about their base wage in the beginning. By keeping employee benefits, providing the cost the company will be bearing into his or her total employee compensation package as a way to demonstrate how the company is investing on his or her behalf. Lower Turnover Rate – Asking employees up and down the ranks what benefit is most wanted and the response will be medical benefits. If an employer understands the significance of employee benefits and keeps them, the company will most certainly incur less employee turnover and will continue employment where they are receiving the best package. When looking at company expenses, learn to recognize the weight of employee benefits and refrain from making benefits the first thing on the chopping block. Employers (business owners) must realize that employees make the business operate effectively, so don’t cut back on something that provides the workforce with a feeling of security.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Diverse Culture- Guleri and Veronica Essay Example for Free

Diverse Culture- Guleri and Veronica Essay Compare and contrast the female characters Veronica in Veronica and Guleri in A Stench of Kerosene. In this essay both female characters in Veronica and A Stench of Kerosene will be examined for similarities and differences in their culture and traditions. When you read these two stories the three things that stand out is their culture, tradition and the theme of love. The story teaches us that sometimes tradition gets in the way of life. It can sometimes control your life or sometimes not. In both the stories, the women hold on tightly to their traditions. The authors are not just talking about their family traditions but the global tradition of fertility and obedience. The main characters in these stories are Veronica and Guleri. This essay portrays about the roles of women. Although there are a lot of similarities between them on the surface but there are more concealed. In both the stories, the main belief in the female characters is their culture. Throughout the stories it shows us how important their culture is to them and how their society forces them to do certain actions that occasionally leads to a persons death as seen in A Stench of Kerosene. Veronica and Guleri both live in male dominated countries, which make females seen by everyone as inferior. The story of Veronica is told in first person by Okeke who is Veronicas childhood friend and the I in the story. The story of A Stench of Kerosene is told in third person by an omniscient narrator. The author of Veronica is Adewale Maja-Pearce and he was brought up in Nigeria, the same place as Veronica was. Maja- Pearce later returned to London, as this was his place of birth so that he could supplement his education. In Veronica, the person narrating the story, Okeke can be compared to Adewale Maja- Pearce as he grew up in the same surroundings as him and also the same education and they lead similar lives. The author of A Stench of Kerosene is Amrita Pritam and she was brought up in India which later became Pakistan, then she moved to New Delhi so that she could begin writing in Hindi. She had very unhappy experiences of marriage and divorce, this links with Guleri in A Stench of Kerosene as Guleri can not have any children and her husband marries again agreeing to his mother so that he can have children and this makes Guleri depressed and broken hearted which then leads to her gruesome death as her mother-in-law controls everything that goes on with Manak and Guleri. Manaks mother is an important force, though scarcely comes in as character. Veronica and Guleri both grew up in fairly rural areas of the country where they were reasonably poverty and war. But the only dissimilarity in their surroundings is that Veronica is in the country with troubled political history. The country has been torn apart by divisions between tribes and political groups, suffering massacres and civil war. As a result, financial development within the country has been limited and the rural areas have been badly affected by poverty. The characters in these stories have much resemblance in their personalities in the way they lead their lives even though both stories are set in very different countries. The author use comparable and diverse techniques to present and show their characteristics. Veronica is a very unfortunate woman who grew up in her native village. She lived with her susceptible mother, abusive and alcoholic father and other young siblings who have not been mentioned much throughout the story. On the other hand, Guleri lived in the village in India with her husband Manak and her mother-in-law. She had no children but was content with her life. Manak and Guleri had a much fulfilled marriage until her mother- in-law interfered by forcing her son to marry another woman so that she accomplishes her vision of being a grandmother and ruining Manak and Guleris life. The central theme of the story is the conflict between a mans love for his wife and the obligation to have children. The major cultural issue concerns a man taking a second wife in order to do this. The author tells us that this practice of burning oneself for escapism is not unusual in certain parts of India but was very prominent. Guleri lives with her husband and her moth-in-law. It was pointed out that Manak was satisfied with his fate and didnt want to marry again as most people around the country would have. Veronica cooked and served for her family. She married at a young age to a soldier and lived happily. Later on, she gave birth to a son. She is a very strong-willed person and is very content with her life. The physical appearances of both the female characters are not quite similar. Okeke describes Veronica, as no great beauty she still had a certain attractiveness that I knew would appeal to men. This is a very uncertain view as no one can be good looking and unattractive at the same time, they contradict with each other. Veronica being described as shabby may have been because of her surroundings and her lifestyle that has influenced her to be that way. Guleris physical features are barely described throughout the story. But when it reads they had bartered their hearts to each other an assumption that can be made from this is that Guleri must have been a very attractive woman as no one falls in love at first sight if the woman is unappealing. Also, as Guleri has never given birth before, she must have had a slim figure. Veronica is very comfortable with her life accepts the fact that shes married to a soldier rather than being in the city with Okeke. She lives in the same hut as she used to when she grew up and she had never changed. She is like a slave first to her father and then to her marriage to her husband. She is pleased with what she does and doesnt complain about it much but if she had the opportunity to raise her voice she would have probably had a say in what she desires to accomplish in life. They are my family and this is enough, this is a line of Veronicas low expectations. She feels her family is everything she needs and nothing else would have the same satisfactory. Guleri on the other hand is very childishly stubborn and always wants everything her way. She is portrayed similar to a little girl. Guleri is a happy go lucky person and loves her life. Manak and Guleri are expressed as a happy couple and care about each other. In Veronica culture is a main portion of her life. Her life was about tradition. When she refuses to go to the city with Okeke and says that it will be harder for her as she is a woman and she isnt educated enough. God blessed us with a son. Is that not enough? this explains that Veronica is always the same after a long period of time that the two have been apart. She is still surviving in the squalor of a village of which Okeke had once lived. The low expectations of Veronica have for herself, compared to the high expectations Okeke has for himself throughout for story, shows us that this is a male dominated country. The social expectations demonstrate this too. Veronica is very stubborn and it shines through the story. Veronicas life was all about the tradition. Guleris dignity is the main view of her life. Her life was all about Manak and her parents village. She always liked being the centre of attention. After Manak got married again, Guleri couldnt believe the situation she was in the middle of. She did not have to express her distress and jealousy in words. The look on her face was enough. But her husband Manak did not do anything about the circumstances. Her husband pulled out his hookah and closed his eyes. Hookah is a tobacco pipe with a long, flexible tube by which the smoke is drawn through a jar of water and thus cooled. He seemed as if he either did not like the tobacco or that he could not bear to face his wife. In this short story, Guleris character shines winning the sympathy of the readers. Guleri, a cheerful girl coming from a well-to-do family and her marriage to Manak, her failure to give Manaks family a son, creates a terrific situation for her tragic end and the readers immediate sympathy is with the heroine of the story, Guleri. She was the pleasant young girl who ended her life with an extremely disastrous manner. Indian culture is such that a married woman should bring a son to the family. If a woman fails to fulfill this role, she is not successful, in marriage and therefore rejected. Thus Manaks mother escapes a reasonable percentage of getting accused for bringing a second wife for her son, Manak. Not that she hated Guleri, but Indian culture had influenced her to extremes of believing in the gift of a son to the family. On the other hand, Guleris family was rich and wanted a man from a good family, for their daughter. But Guleris father was prosperous and lived in cities. He had sworn that he would not take money for his daughter, but would give her to a worthy man from a good family. Guleri failing to give Manaks family a son and having to wait seven years and even the sad end to her life could have been sad even from the early days of her marriage. In India, the mother is supposed to be the representation of Indian culture. A mother enjoys an important place, if she is able to fulfill a mothers part meeting with the expectations of motherhood; these being the customs and traditions of Indian culture. Manak playing his flute as they walked or were at the fair, made Guleri feel that the music brought her joy, taking her closer to Manaks heart. Thus the flute standing as a symbol of joy in their lives. He looked at her sadly. Then putting the flute to his lips blew a strange and anguished wail. Striking the signal of the tragedy and anticipating the tragic end. Bhavani announcing the sad end of Guleri, when she heard of your second marriage she soaked her clothes in kerosene and set fire to them. Manak getting mute with pain. He stared a long time uncomprehending, his face as usual expressionless. Therefore the death of Guleri could be called cultural violence in Indian society, though not recognized as violence; in reality it is a violent act leading to death of a person. In the short story, A Stench of Kerosene the writer, point out in simple diction the theme of the theme of violence present in the culture of Indian society. Amrita Pritam gives a clear picture of the episodes with the appropriate choice of a family setting and the intended aim and view of marriage in typical Indian society. The family setting of the extended family, this can be compared to Veronica as her father beats her and was bullied by her father while she was growing up. In Veronica, Okeke felt responsibility for his death, as so feels an extreme guilt as he did not come back to her from the cities more often and persuade her more to go with him and if he had done this enough, she would have agreed at some point to go to the city. Manak with this haunting event trapped in his mind leaving every joyful moment with his new wife feeling guilty instead of happiness after the tragedy of his former wife and the manner and circumstances he had married her. Amrita Pritam shows us how this guilt has not only affected his life but his mind and senses at the same time as it reads in the last line of the story when he holds the new born baby of his second wife when it is given to him, he says; Take him away! He stinks of kerosene! this portrays that the baby symbolizes the death of his former wife and the baby being brought to this world has made his former wife leave it. In both the stories we should pity Veronica and Guleri, as they were just victims of death. Veronica physically dies against her own rule and Guleri mentally felt that she could not live no more. Therefore, the main two women, in both the stories suffered the main tragedies. The reader may also have felt pity that Veronica was unable to prevent being born into a sexist and poor culture, which caused her to live her life with the tragic ending. Manak was also a victim, not of death but of guilt as he was taunted by the events of his wife and the evidence at the end of the story proves this as he thinks his child smells of kerosene, which is the liquid that caused his previous wife to burn to death. This proves that his future with his new wife will be very hard to cope with.

Examining The Match Fixing Of Sports Games Information Technology Essay

Examining The Match Fixing Of Sports Games Information Technology Essay Nowadays match-fixing is done in organized sports. Match-fixing is a done in the sports as a game played at a predetermined result. In whole or in part, in violation of rules and often the law as well. If the race is a sporting competition in question, the event is called a record of the race fixing. Games, are know as thrown games which are lost deliberately. When a team intentionally lose a game or have not been as high as you can get a perceived future competitive advantages rather than the players could participate, the team is often said that he plunged the game instead of throwing it. HOW IT WORKS:- Thrown into the game when motivation for the game(thrown game), need contacts or agents between players, gamblers, team officials and/or arbitrator. These contacts and bookies can sometimes be found and lead to prosecution by law or by the sports leagues. In contrast, the inner tank is individual act of team so it is hard to prove. Often by replacing the coach is designed to increase the chances of the losing team, often containing one or more key players sit, rather than order the players on the field made intentionally under perform, was cited as a major factor in cases where the reservoir has been claimed. Most of the time match-fixing is not an individual act. There are countries, groups, bookies or gamblers, team management, players, referees or umpires. To investigate match-fixing using link analysis we start from the top node means country and go down to the last node means players. Link analysis often explores associations among different object of different types. For investigating match-fixing application we might examine relationships among suspects, including their home addresses, hotels they stayed in, wire communication received and sent, flight schedules, hotel check in and outs, telephone numbers they dialled or received during the suspected time. All these things have been checked for each and every node, for players to bookies to team management and so. The ability of link analysis is to represent relationships and associations among objects of different types has proven crucial in helping us in investigating comprehend complex webs of evidence and draw conclusions that are not appeared from any single piece of information. Link analysis can be used to expose the underlying patterns and behaviours pertaining to match-fixing investigators. As we know link analysis is a data mining technique that reveals the structure and content of a body of information by representing it as a set of interconnected, linked objects or entities. For a match-fixing investigator first analysis the match, then look for individual acts of different nodes. Investigate the hotel check in and out of each node, telephone records, meetings, bank details, money in and out. These all Beeb examined by link analysis and look for some common nodes. Linkage data is typically modelled as a graph with nodes representing suspects of interest to the analyst and the links representing relationships and transactions. Like collection of telephone data with phone numbers, times of calls, and duration of calls. By collecting all these information and putting all this on a graph representing each with nodes and link them, it will be much easy to investigate the match-fixing process. Q-2. Write an essay on each of the following topics: Industrial Espionage; Executive Fraud; Cyber Extortion. INTRODUCTION:- One of the troubles within grounds of information pledge is that there are few creditable threats of information systems. We also find problems, troubles of facts compilation during this part, with no departing into facts there are many reasons to believe that many people do not realize that the intrusion occurred and that many of those was not reported so that the growth of numerical stand permits. The US National Counter intelligence Centre (NACIC) which afterwards turn into the agency of the state Counter intelligence exclusive (ONCIX) have be staling yearly towards Congress ever since 1995 on strange financial compilation plus industrialized spying. industrialized spying is performed into two major types. Here short, the reason of spying is in the direction of obtain facts or information concerning organizations. This might comprise the attainment of academic possessions such as industrialized production data, ideas, methods and procedures, recipes and formulas. Or acquisition of any protected information and operational data such as customer databases, pricing, research and development, sales, pricing, marketing, policies, quotes, design strategies or marketing or change the composition and production. It also involve specific activities like trade secrets, bribery, extortion, and technology watch. As well as orchestrate a trade organizations and espionage, governments may exist as goals. For instance establish the conditions of the contract bidding for the governments to underbid each other bidders. industrialized spying is mainly usually linked by technology-heavy businesses, as well as PC software plus hardware, biotechnology, aerospace, telecommunications, hauling plus mechanism skill, automobiles, machinetools, energy, fabrics plus covering furthermore so on. Silicon Valley, be well-known near live one of the worlds mainly aimed regions intended for spying, however, inside result, some business by information of employ to contestants maybe an objective. RISK FACTORS:- The main danger issues for failure of confidential data and academic possessions amongst every one responding corporations be previous workers, overseas players, domestic competitors, on-site freelancers. Hackers may too be quoted the same as a main cause of alarm in several regions. The area most frequently cited risk of incident was reported by companies are research and development(49%), client records plus linked statistics (36%) and fiscal statistics(27%). The number of incidents reported the order was customer data. Strategic plans financial data. Research and development. THE EFFECT OF LOSS:- Among all companies the biggest impact of the loss of confidential information increased legal costs and lost income. designed for big organisations defeat cut-throat benefit be the mainly grave trouble. For Financial companies the most annoying problem was embarrassment and used for high-tech organisations vital subject be the defeat of passive benefit. The evaluation of the order or the value of logical possessions be the liability of the patent and in home advice who stand their judgements of competitive gain, productivity plus investigate with growth criterion. USE OF COMPUTERS AND INTERNET:- Computers have become an essential practice of industrial espionage and large amount of information can easily be copied and transmitted. Computer used to have augmented quickly in spying during the 1990s. Data have be frequently taken away or duplicated as of unwatched pcs. The term bag-op is used in the tavern employees to contact information, such like laptops, tavern rooms, data may be taken away in shipment, taxis, baggage counters on the airfield baggage carousels plus trains and so on. EXECUTIVE FRAUD:- A disgruntled employee of a large international company left a message on the fraud hot line of the company, indicating he had information about fraud conducted by a number of business leaders. Within hours, the third party independent of the fraud hot line has been contacted and the employee is dissatisfied with the initial information that is collected. Shortly thereafter, the president of the companys audit committee informed the initial request. Such claims are not taken lightly in any case, but something about the caller and the information presented in the body a little extra credibility, he remained a firm conduct a full investigation. Within 24 hours, the firm has been the team of investigators to the site. The first efforts of investigators were to meet the disgruntled employee, or ant other information related to fraud. The information collected at this meeting suggested that the amount of fraud is easily in millions of dollars. Early data indicate that several key leaders of the business potential conspirators in the conspiracy to inflate company revenue to increase corporate profit and therefore, the annual salaries and bonuses to executives. The lawyer representing the firm hired to conduct the survey claimed responsibility for leading the investigation. In a large investigation team, composed of over 20 financial accountants, tax accountants and corporate lawyers, as well as computer forensic were together. There were three objectives outlined in the test group; To determine whether fraudulent activity has occurred. To examine e-mail, internal communications and computer systems all potentially affected parties in an attempt to prove and/or documents in support of the alleged fraud. To identify all the financial measure of the alleged fraud and knowing exactly how the restatements, which will surely be made. The case study focuses on the second goal. What does work, assuming that investigators have discovered that a number of fraudulent activity took place. This is not a weak hypothesis, and we ensure that only the short and in the heart of the matter. We do not want to suggest, even in the current context of financial scandals, allegations of fraud, immediately, is the truth. These claims must be carefully considered in this case. CYBER EXTORTION:- Cyber extortion is an attack or threat of crime against a company in which the coupled with demand for money to prevent or stop the attack. Cyber extortion have many forms, initially, denial of service(DOS) attack were the most common method. In recent years Cyber criminals have developed enough knowledge to encrypt information from victim. The attacker then request money for the decryption key. As the number of companies that rely on the internet for their business has increased, opportunities for Cyber extortionists also exploded. The likelihood of the recognition, seizure plus trial is less as Cyber extortionist generally operate from countires other than the preys plus the utilization of nameless financial statements plus bogus electronic post addresses. Cyber extortion can be lucrative, compensation of millions of dollars annually attackers. A typical attack is due to the demand of thousands of US dollars. Payment dose not guarantee that new attack not occurs by the same group or another Cyber extortionist group. Coordinated efforts and high technology use, some Cyber extortionists found and some arrests has been made, prosecuted, sentenced to prison. However, according to some reports, most episodes Cyber extortion was unreported because victims do not want the publicity, and so, majority of reported attacks do not result in arrests. Criminals groups be more and more with the internet as a instrument for extortion of cash from companies. Many of dispersed refutation of examination assaults happening in the world daily, plus it is vital to superior administration be alert of the extremely genuine danger of such an attack. As we explain that in current time, some corporations contain shifted their industry procedures online plus e-commerce have been a major basis of economic enlargement. Though the increase of the internet use has many advantages, also it includes a number of threats in the shape of bugs, hackers, malware, plus worms. Mainly businesses be conscious of these dangers plus suitable procedures and technologies, rather than lessen these. Although in current time, these dangers on the internet were made in a malicious and complicated way, bug scripting is not a hobby for youths by too a good deal of moment on their self, in its place of bugs may now printed in cyber-criminals stimulated organized solely for the cash. EXTORTION: A RISING DILEMMA:- Those illegals be more and more via the way named as dispersed denial of services(DDoS). DDoS assaults started amid the only reason of contravention the organisations net-site or server through attacking those as sachet of statistics, typically within the shapes of net appeal or electronic post. nothing like sole font assaults, the attacker compromises between several pcs, which, consecutively, contaminate many of previous pcs, you can work with agents of the attack. Those contaminated pcs, recognized as zombies or spam, after that begin overflowing the preys site inquiries, the creation of an enormous flow of facts and eliminate the goals location, therefore stopping it as of giving a service. BUSINESS AT RISK:- The cost of a DDoS attack is important, and it is calculated to in excess of 10,000 place each day around the world have been attacked. DDoS extortion assaults be at first used next to online betting spots. Criminals groups to launch assaults to take the location downwards ahead of a large fair occasion, the smash up caused to the maximum. at the present, though, DDoS assaults maybe used towards extracting cash from every one types of business. The truth is that not a single corporation be secure. Lack of awareness is making businesses vulnerable. THE FUTURE OF ONLINE EXTORTION: Initially, the extortionist celebrated a good deal of success. The cost associated with the fight against the hackers usually exceeds the cost of extortion payment. So many online businesses declined and paid the ransom. Once the Betcris situation drain, online gaming companies have realized that they have no other choice. It is also recognized that the long term consequences of this war, extortion could very well be the optimal course of action. The lessons of recent years, the gaming industry have an interest in many other types of businesses. The attacks on these gaming sites. Q3 (Stream Cipher) Investigate the use of the Berlekamp-Massy algorithm as a cryptanalysis tool. Ans: INTRODUCTION: Nowadays many modern and reasonable secure communication systems like Personnel Computers, networks, SSL, mobile phone, Bluetooth etc. oblige a soaring pace binary encoding algorithms to encrypt messages that can be millions of fragment extensive and remarkable exhibit formation. The most frequently used encryption of this case is flow cipher. A flow cipher encryption explains the process itself which is to encrypt binary plain text one bit at a time. Mostly and easiest flow cipher utilized for encrypting binary plaintext is where a point intermission of a imitation accidental progression is connected with section two of XOR with the plaintext bit mt, with cipher text bit represented by ct. following expression shows the simple stream cipher explanation: ct = mt à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ zt where à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ denotes XOR(Exclusive OR). The decryption procedure could be articulated as: mt = ct à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ zt It should be noted from the equations that both encryption and decryption require to be capable of generating the alike key flow progression zt. The encryption key K is the preliminary beginning to begin the producer. Either the encryptor or decryptor has to deal with this key. The most frequent approach of shaping the streams is that zt be implemented to non-linear boolean function f of the invention of binary progressions by linear feedback shift register (LFSRs) which is distinctive prehistoric polynomial. CRYPTOGRAPHY: Cryptography or cryptology is a local office of computer science and mathematics copping with data security and relevant matters mainly encryption and verification and applications like access monitor. Cryptography is an interdisciplinary matter, founded on some grounds. Before the start of 20th century, cryptography was principally worried about linguistic prototypes. As the result, the concentration has been boosted and cryptography is widely using mathematics. Cryptography is the subdivision of manufacturing as well but an extraordinary one, as it is only deal of energetic, intellectual and malicious disagreement. Cryptography is the major means for data security and system such as access monitor and discretion. Cryptography has many implementations influencing the life on a daily basis of the security like electronic commerce, computer passwords and ATM cards, they all based on cryptography. 1.1 STREAM CIPHER:- In cryptography, a stream cipher is a symmetric encryption algorithm, where plaintext digits encrypted one at the same time and succeeding digits differ throughout the procedure of encryption. Following figure show the encryption of each digit bases on the present situation, typically one bit at the same time. Stream cipher corresponds to a diverse method to symmetric encryption as compared to block cipher. Block cipher working with great masses of digits in the fixed steady conversion. This feature is not constantly simple. Some functions apply block cipher prehistoric effectively as compared to stream cipher. Stream cipher is usually performed at superior speeds as compared to block cipher and connected to lower hardware complexity. There are some popular stream ciphers RC4, applied in Netscapes Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. A5, in the global scheme for mobile message (GSM). Bluetooth stream cipher, criterion of wireless short-term connectivity, particular of the blue tooth particular attention group. Word-oriented tributary codes, appropriate pro software functioning (e.g. SNOW, SOBER, SCREAM). Tributary code forms of process of mass code (e.g. code response, productivity advice style of triple DES or AES). CRYPTANALYSIS:- Cryptanalysis is analysis or study the method to obtain the encrypted data, lacking right of entry towards undisclosed data usually needed to perform it. That typically entails ruling the underground input. Non-technically it is the exercise of contra-venting the cipher or demolishing the cipher other than that verdicts may also contain a particular method story. Cryptanalysis may also be used towards demote towards one effort en route for evading the safety of previous kinds of cryptographic algorithms plus procedures in common, not immediately encryption. though, cryptanalysis typically leave out the option so as to the assaults be not chiefly goal flaws real cryptographic ways such like dishonesty, bodily compulsion, theft, input classification plus hence on. Even though the last kind of assault be significant towards influence the safety of pcs plus extra effectual then usual cryptanalysis. THE BERLEKAMP-MASSEY ALGORITHM:- The linear difficulty of dual sequences of the span of the smallest LFSR that can be produced in the series. For a series it is also suitable to use an enciphering succession inside a tributary code it be vital so as to it have a adequately big linear difficulty. Readily available are two shapes of linear difficulty, worldwide linear difficulty endless dual series in the same period, and the limited linear difficulty of dual series of limited span. Any finite binary sequence of period p can be generated by linear reappearance of span p otherwise fewer. The linear difficulty of the smallest series of such a recurrence is to establish the series. This is equivalent to saying that the linear complexity is the span of the smallest LFSR to make the series. The berlekamp-massey algorithm be an effectual process for searching the shortest length LFSR of a known limited series. If the linear complexity is m, the algorithm requires at least 2m bit series. If the encryption key has the small linear complexity, then it will be replicate to short LFSR. This is not desirable, therefore, the encryption key must has a large linear complexity. The following is the berlekamp-massey algorithm that is expert in the distinctive dual limited grounds F2 and GF(2). The parts 0 plus 1 in the ground processes + as well as is the similar plus go round to be the only possessions elite OR operation(XOR). * The development worker is a consistent and process. The distribution operator increases to the personality operation i.e. the area defined in the for the dividing by 1 and x/1=1. Let s0, s1,s3,..Sn be the bits of stream. F(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 B(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 D à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 L à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  0 bà ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 Nà ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  0 If N=n, Stop. If d=0, then D à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  D+1 and got if d à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  0 and 2L>N, then F(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  F(x)-dB-1xDB(x) Dà ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ D+1 if d à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  0 and 2Là ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤N, then T(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  F(x) {temporary storage of F(x)} F(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ F(x) dB-1xDB(x) Là ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ N+1-L B(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ T(x) B à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  d D à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 N à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  N+1. This section describes the execution of the berlekamp-massey algorithm to discover the linear complication of a mentioned series. Two new methods for encrypting data stream are, an attack first known attack using the combination part of the assumption that the data are a major threat to the right answer. The second method, an attacker combines part of the discovery of unknown behaviour (truth table), the combination of the algorithm into two parts. Once upon a time, we look for the fact table of the connecting element, we, afterwards, discover the preliminary principles of the record keeping part or drawing a map combining some functions to help you reverse engineering algorithm for reconstruction and participate in the combines. There are mostly two algorithms used: Algorithm A Take the digits of b with highest (conditional) probability p* as a guess of the sequence a at the corresponding positions. Approximately n digits are required to find a by solving linear equations. Computational complexity: O(2cn), 0 complexity is exponential. c is a function of t and N/n. Example: c = 0.012 if p = 0.75 and N/n = 100. Algorithm B 1. Assign the correlation probability p to every digit of b 2. To every digit of b assign the new probability p* . Iterate this step a number of times. 3. Complement those digits of b with p* (suitable threshold). 4. Stop, if b satisfies the basic relation of the LFSR, else go to 1. The number of iterations in 2. and the probability shreshold in 3. have to be adequately chosen to obtain maximum correction effect. CONCLUSION:- It can be concluded that as a consequence of applying the methods under study: encryption stream is not recommended to use confidentiality because the stream cipher is vulnerable to prevent a planned attack suggested that the number of LFSR is a part that must go over the capability to carry out the algorithm, which refers the number of LFSR must be above 20 with current computing ability. Q.4. (Artificial Intelligence) Investigate the use of Expert Systems as a tool in security systems. Give examples and references to support your arguments and concluding remarks. EXPERT SYSTEM:- The definition of an expert system is a computer program that simulates thought processes of a human expert to solve complex problems of decision in the specific field. The characteristics of expert systems that make them different from traditional programming and traditional harvest support tools are explained later. The growth of expert systems has been continue several years ago. Continued growth, many new and exciting applications appear. A system of peer review works as an interactive system that responded to questions and inquiries, recommendation and usually helps in decision making. Expert systems advice and guidance on a wide range of activities, computer-based diagnostics, medical surgery etc. Various definitions of expert systems proposed by several authors. A general definition that describes the intended functions of experts systems: The expert system is a computerized interactive decision tool that the use use of facts and heuristics to solve the problems of a difficult decision based on knowledge from the expert. The expert system can be considered a computer simulation of human experts. Expert systems is an emerging technology in many areas as possible applications. Applications move from MYCIN, used in medical diagnose infectious diseases in blood, to XCON, used to configure the computer systems. These expert systems have been very good. Most expert systems applications fall in the following categories: identification and interpretation. Plan Diagnosis Planning Designing Monitoring Debug and test Education and training Controlling Applications that are computation and deterministic, is not good candidates for expert systems. The traditional decision-making, such as spreadsheets are very mechanically, they solve problems. Work based on mathematical operators and logical in their execution, and receives one and only one static solution for a data set. Calculation intensive most demanding applications extremely rigorous to better manage traditional tools for decision support or traditional programming. The best application candidates for heuristics expert systems or expert problems. Following are fundamentals of expert systems: Traditional computer programs are based on facts knowledge, the convincing power of computers. However, the people, solve problems based on a mixture of facts and heuristics. Heuristics knowledge composed of intuition, conviction and logical conclusions, the unchallenged power of the people. An expert systems for success are those that combine facts and heuristics, and thus unite the human knowledge computer to solve problems. SPECIAL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES:- Expert systems are usually written in specific programming languages. The languages such as LISP and PROLOG development expert system simplifies the encoding process. The big advantage of these languages over traditional programming languages is the simplicity. In addition, elimination or substitution of the new regulation and memory management capabilities. A feature of some programming languages required for expert systems work are as follows: Efficient mixing of the whole and real variable. Good procedures for memory management. Extensive data manipulation routines. Incremental compilation. The memory architecture tagged. Optimization of environmental systems. Procedures for effective research.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Future of the Human Genome Project Essay -- Science Genetics Biolo

The Future of the Human Genome Project Can you imagine knowing your own genetic code? Going into the doctor for a routine physical and leaving with the knowledge of your genetic downfalls so that you may prevent disease and cancers. This may seem unbelievable but it is likely to be implemented in the near future. Since the start of the human genome project, the medical community has been anxiously awaiting its completion because the applications it has to this field are obviously enormous. However, we still have much to learn about genetic variability and the information we gain can be used to prevent, repair, and eradicate illness. About fifteen years ago at a conference near Salt Lake City, the Department of Energy brought up a question that would change the face of science, more specifically molecular genetics. They questioned why there was no DNA research on the way mutations are detected and they decided to change that. Thus, the Human Genome Project was born. Actually there was a lot more planning to do before the work began, ranging from the technical aspects to developing a separate commission dealing with the ethical issues. Eight years after officially starting the project, the public is in awe of what has been accomplished. The projected goal is to have an accurate, complete sequence of human DNA by the year 2003, two years sooner than previously expected (Collins, 1998). The reason for the project is on schedule is that innovative techniques are being applied in DNA sequencing that are more cost effective as well as more efficient. The discovery of new techniques, as well as developing extensive genetic and physical maps have been the primary goals of the project. A detailed genetic map will enable scienti... ...ring in our lives. The question is, "Are we ready for them?" References 1- Human Genome Project Information. Obtained 10/8/98: 2- About the Human Genome Project. Obtained 10/08/98: 3- Collins, Francis S., et al. "New Goals for the U.S Human Genome Project: 1998-2003." Science. 23 Oct. 1998: 682-689. 4- Suzuki, David, and Peter Kundtson. Genethics: the clash between the new genetics and human values. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990. 5- Peters, Ted. Playing God? Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom. New York, NY: Routledge, 1997. 6- Fickett, James W., et al. The Human Genome Project: Deciphering the Blueprint of Heredity. Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books, 1994.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Advancement of Technology and Science and its Influence on Science Fiction Novels :: Technology Science Literature Essays

Advancement of Technology and Science and its Influence on Science Fiction Novels The rapid pace of technology and the advancement of scientific understanding in the past one hundred years are at the backbone for the distinctly twentieth century genre -- science fiction. Such rapid advancement in these fields of technology have opened up literally worlds of possibilities for the future. One hundred years ago the possibility of simply flying from city to city may have seemed nothing more than a distant futuristic dream to most. While a mere sixty years later the impossible was achieved -- a human being on the moon. Since technology has brought as much change as it has in the past one hundred years the next hundred should be entirely incomprehendable to us. Who knows what to expect? "The modern discoveries and applications of Science throw deeply into the shade the old romances and fanciful legends of our boyhood" (James 8) observes James. Technology has made what was once thought impossible, plausible and weather or not technology is directly incorporated into a science fi ction story as an obvious vehicle, the author knows that it is always present in the mind of the reader. It is this plausablilty of what conventionally should not be acceptable that has led to science fiction's increasing popularity over the years. As James explains, "much sf is concerned with the future and with the possibilities presented by scientific and technological change" (James 3). Truly, humans exploring and even colonizing other worlds, the plot of many a science fiction novel, has to many become inevitable. The successful series of Apollo moon landings in the 1960's and the knowledge that we already possess the technology to send humans to other worlds leads many to believe that it is only a matter of time. Even such a notably respectable news source as Newsweek has detailed the future maned missions to Mars (September, 23 1996). When I look forward to the future I can hardly imagine the changes that will occur as a result of new discoveries in science and new technologies. With so m any possibilities for the future, science fiction is able to capitalizes on this by showing the audience entirely new worlds and alternatives to our own. Technology presented in science fiction stories most commonly serves a very important role in the stories plausablilty to the audience. While this does not mean that technology is necessarily the focus of such stories it is often used as the vehicle for which such alternative and wonderous events occur. Without the advanced spaceship how could the Segnauts have gotten to the planet Advancement of Technology and Science and its Influence on Science Fiction Novels :: Technology Science Literature Essays Advancement of Technology and Science and its Influence on Science Fiction Novels The rapid pace of technology and the advancement of scientific understanding in the past one hundred years are at the backbone for the distinctly twentieth century genre -- science fiction. Such rapid advancement in these fields of technology have opened up literally worlds of possibilities for the future. One hundred years ago the possibility of simply flying from city to city may have seemed nothing more than a distant futuristic dream to most. While a mere sixty years later the impossible was achieved -- a human being on the moon. Since technology has brought as much change as it has in the past one hundred years the next hundred should be entirely incomprehendable to us. Who knows what to expect? "The modern discoveries and applications of Science throw deeply into the shade the old romances and fanciful legends of our boyhood" (James 8) observes James. Technology has made what was once thought impossible, plausible and weather or not technology is directly incorporated into a science fi ction story as an obvious vehicle, the author knows that it is always present in the mind of the reader. It is this plausablilty of what conventionally should not be acceptable that has led to science fiction's increasing popularity over the years. As James explains, "much sf is concerned with the future and with the possibilities presented by scientific and technological change" (James 3). Truly, humans exploring and even colonizing other worlds, the plot of many a science fiction novel, has to many become inevitable. The successful series of Apollo moon landings in the 1960's and the knowledge that we already possess the technology to send humans to other worlds leads many to believe that it is only a matter of time. Even such a notably respectable news source as Newsweek has detailed the future maned missions to Mars (September, 23 1996). When I look forward to the future I can hardly imagine the changes that will occur as a result of new discoveries in science and new technologies. With so m any possibilities for the future, science fiction is able to capitalizes on this by showing the audience entirely new worlds and alternatives to our own. Technology presented in science fiction stories most commonly serves a very important role in the stories plausablilty to the audience. While this does not mean that technology is necessarily the focus of such stories it is often used as the vehicle for which such alternative and wonderous events occur. Without the advanced spaceship how could the Segnauts have gotten to the planet

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Personal Interest Essay -- Essays Papers

Personal Interest I have been interested in the study of shy children and their inability to actively participate in a classroom environment since my youngest daughter, who is extremely shy, started kindergarten. I saw the difficulty that she faced in class because of her shyness and I became frustrated because I knew that her lack of self-confidence was affecting her ability to excel in school. Fortunately, we were able to work with her teachers and help her develop the self-confidence to eventually become an excellent student who is an active participant in her class. Because of my experience as a parent, I am very aware of the potential to overlook or mislabel shy students and have found myself extremely conscientious of these children since I began teaching. I want to find ways to help these students develop the confidence to become more active participants in my classroom. I wondered what I could do differently in my classroom to help a shy student develop self-confidence. The student who I observed for this inquiry project came to my attention the first day I visited the class I was to student teach in. While she was clearly intrigued by a book I was reading to the class, I noticed that she was the only student to not participate in the discussion which followed the reading. It became apparent the first week I was in the class that she was not an active participant and had difficulty answering questions during class discussions. Although she was quick to raise her hand, she became very distressed when called on in class. I noted that my cooperating teacher often bypassed her, calling on other students who were more outgoing. As a teacher, I want to develop tools to help my student... ...Bibliography Brody, Jere. (1996). Working with Shy or Withdrawn Students. Learn2Study. Retrieved February 1, 2005 from Crozier, W. Ray & Perkins, Pam. (Sep. 2002). Shyness as a Factor when Assessing Children [Electronic Version]. Educational Psychology in Practice, Vol. 18, Issue 3, p. 239-244. Hyson, Marion C. & Von Trieste, Karen. (1987). The Shy Child. Child Development Institute. Retrieved February 1, 2005 from Kemple, Kristen. (June 1995). Shyness and Self-esteem in Early Childhood [Electronic Version]. Journal of Humanistic Education & Development, Vol. 33, Issue 4, p. 173-183. Malouff, John. (2002). Helping Young Children Overcome Shyness. Retrieved February 3, 2005 from

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Personal Brand Plan Paper Essay

There are three companies I would like to begin my career in Human Resources department in. Those three companies are Exxon Mobile Corporation, Apple Incorporated, and Wal-Mart. Exxon Mobile Corporation the third largest oil and gas refinery in the world in revenue. With over 80,000 employees globally Exxon Mobile Human Resource Department is functions are full of challenges. I view those challenges as being exciting, and rewarding. I would like to be employed as an Employment, Recruitment or Placement Manager. Through research I found Exxon Mobile has a variety of different employment, recruitment, and placement manager positions to help me gain a broad functional and developmental expertise in the human resource field. This experience will also give me a better understanding of how important Human Resource is integrated in various organizations and companies around the world. Working for Exxon will give me the opportunity to achieve my professional goals in managerial and technical areas through a multitude of assignments, mentorship’s, and training over my career. I would like to be employed with Exxon Mobile Corporation it is ranked number 2 in 2014 fortune 500, and because this company has been around for over 125 years. This company has built a strong foundation over the years, and also invests in its employees. I would like to obtain as much knowledge here to use in the rest of my career. The second company I chose was Apple Incorporated. Apple, Inc. is a multinational corporation creating numerous consumer electronics such as computer software, digital distributors, personal computers, commercial servers, iPhone smart phone, iPod portable media devices, and iPad tablet computers. Over the last two decades Apple Computer was predominantly and manufacturer of personal computers. I would like to be employed as an International Human Resource Associate for Apple, Inc. Working as Apple’s International Human Resource Associate I will play the role of a human resource generalist inside the company but will also have global responsibilities. Some of my task will be job postings, recruiting and screening candidates, and explaining benefits and compensations packages. To be successful in this position I would have to obtain a solid grasp of the employment markets around the world including understanding others culture aspects, compensation, benefits and screening. I would like to work  for Apple, Inc. because it is a fairly new fortune 500 incorporation leading in the world of technology. Apple consistent innovation continues to lead in sales over all of their competitors. With the experience and training obtained from Exxon Mobile will assist me in being a successful international human resource associate. The final company I would like to work for is Wal-Mart. Since 1962, Wal-Mart has been dedicated in making a difference in the lives of their customers by helping customers and communities save money and live better. Wal-Mart is ranked number one in Forbes as 2014 company who generated the most revenue. I would like to be employed as a Human Resource Consultant for Wal-Mart. As a Human Resource Consultant I will work as a contractor in helping corporate with things such as employment structure, manager policies, benefit issues, and performance incentives. I will help analyze employment success systems, evaluate how the benefits plans are panning out, and recommend productive changes to the system. I will use my the training and work experience accumulated over the years obtained from Exxon Mobile and Apple Inc.